

Ups and Downs of the Iraqi Communist Party During the Kassem-era
摘要 俄国十月革命的胜利使马克思列宁主义的萌芽在新生的伊拉克破土而出。面对西方殖民主义和封建专制主义的压迫,伊拉克共产党于1934年应运而生。在严酷的社会环境之下,伊共几经沉浮,在挫折中不断前行,到20世纪50年代,伊共一度成为伊拉克政坛举足轻重的力量。然而,在“自由军官组织”领袖卡塞姆在伊拉克建立政权(1958—1963年)后,伊共逐渐暴露出其路线的局限性:过度服从苏联指导,过于降低斗争目标,过分屈服政府打压。伊共走上了由盛转衰的道路,内外政策的缺陷暴露无遗,最终以悲剧收场。 The victory of the Russian October Revolution contributed to the germination of Marxism-Leninism in the newly established Iraq.To combat the oppression of Western colonialism and feudal absolutism,the Iraqi Communist Party emerged in 1934.Confronted with harsh social conditions,the party encountered ups and downs,yet continuing to forge ahead through setbacks.And it had become a significant force in Iraqi politics by the 1950s.However,after the leader of the“Free Officers Movement”Kassem,established the regime in Iraq(1958-1963),its strategic limitations became increasingly revealed,which are excessive following of Soviet instructions,overly lowering its aim,and unduly submitting to government’s oppression.All mentioned above resulted in its declination.The flaws in its domestic and foreign policies becoming glaringly apparent,Iraqi Communist Party ended up as a tragedy.
作者 王以宁 Wang Yining(Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009)
机构地区 扬州大学
出处 《西部学刊》 2024年第14期43-46,共4页 Journal of Western
关键词 伊拉克共产党 共产主义运动 卡塞姆政权 Irqi Communist Party communist movement Kassem regime
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