
基于Word Smith软件的典型语料库文体学分析

Research on the Stylistic Analysis of Typical Corpus Based on WordSmith Software
摘要 文章运用WordSmith 8.0对艾丽斯·沃克小说《紫色》中的关键词和特殊词簇进行分析,揭示了《紫色》在词汇上的整体分布特征,并指出文中所使用的词汇与句式均与主人公非裔女性这一人物形象相吻合。通过Word Smith 8.0检索发现,沃克小说中的关键词和词簇搭配对于促进故事情节和人物刻画方面有重要作用。研究结果表明,语料库文体学有助于学者发现以往研究中忽视的深层文本含义,是对以往《紫色》文学定性研究结果的再次验证,是定性研究和定量研究的积极结合,也是对学界“经典重读”的积极响应。 The article employs WordSmith 8.0 to analyze the key words and special word clusters in Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple,revealing the overall distribution characteristics of vocabulary,and pointing out that the vocabulary and syntax used in the lines are consistent with the characterization of the protagonist,an African American woman.Through WordSmith 8.0 search,it was found that keyword and word cluster combinations in Walker's novels play a crucial role in terms of the storyline and characterization.The research findings indicate that corpus stylistics help scholars grasp the deeper textual meanings overlooked in previous studies,which serves as a re-validation of the qualitative research findings of the novel in the past.What's nore,It is a beneficial combination of qualitative and quantitative research,and also a positive response to the“re-reading of classics”in academia.
作者 马瑞 马艳 Ma Rui;Ma Yan(School of Foreign Languages and Cultures,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021)
出处 《中阿科技论坛(中英文)》 2024年第7期120-124,共5页 China-Arab States Science and Technology Forum
关键词 语料库文体学 艾丽斯·沃克 词簇 《紫色》 Corpus stylistics Alice Walker Word clusters The Color Purple
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