

Education and Management of International Students in the Belt and Road Countries from the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Adaptation
摘要 在全球化的背景下,跨文化理解和交流变得越来越重要,经历不同文化环境的留学生群体是此类交流的核心组成部分。随着中国在全球的影响力和吸引力的日益增长,越来越多的国际学生选择来华留学。推动这类特殊受教群体成功融入中国社会和学术环境中,既是一项重要任务,也富有很多挑战。在高校留学生教育管理研究中,来华留学生在大学校园的文化融合和适应是不可忽视的重点之一。该文深入研究跨文化融合和适应在管理来华留学生过程中的作用及其面临的挑战,从跨文化适应的角度对来华留学生群体进行教育和管理,帮助其更好地适应中国的学习和生活,对维护该群体的稳定,营造安全和谐的校园和社会环境具有重要意义。 In the context of globalization,cross-cultural understanding and communication have become increasingly important,and the group of international students who have experienced different cultural environments is a core component of such communication.With the increasing global influence and attractiveness of China,more and more international students are choosing to study in China.Promoting the successful integration of such special educated groups into Chinese society and academic environment is not only an important task,but also presents many challenges.In the research of education management for international students in universities,the cultural integration and adaptation of international students in university campuses is one of the key points that cannot be ignored.This article delves into the role and challenges of cross-cultural integration and adaptation in managing international students studying in China.From the perspective of cross-cultural adaptation,it will educate and manage the group of international students studying in China,helping them better adapt to China's learning and life.This is of great significance for maintaining the stability of this group and creating a safe and harmonious campus and social environment.
作者 陈伟 CHEN Wei(Jiangsu University of Technology,Changzhou Jiangsu,213001,China)
机构地区 江苏理工学院
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第15期162-165,共4页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
基金 江苏省教育厅江苏省2021年度高校哲学社会科学研究专题项目(思政专项)“‘一带一路’沿线国家来华留学生宗教信仰教育管理策略研究”(项目编号:2021SJB0576)。
关键词 跨文化适应 高校 跨文化能力 来华留学 留学生教育 “一带一路” Cross-cultural adaptation Universities Cross-cultural competence Study in China International student education The Belt and Road Initiative
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