

Return to Mythos:The Evolution of E.E.CummingsPoetry
摘要 卡明斯作为一位现代派诗人,深受美国意象派诗歌的影响,在20世纪初的新诗运动中,卡明斯诗歌融合了现代主义实验性语言和绘画技巧,形成其独有的视觉化具象诗风格。卡明斯后期诗学呈现出对早期现代主义诗歌与古典文艺的反思与回归,以秘索思为创作的根基和主线,从诗歌语言到艺术风格循着古希腊秘索思的踪迹,从而在现代派与古希腊传统之间建立关联,以回归秘索思对抗理性与逻格斯。在以秘索思为内核的诗学体系中,卡明斯积极吸收欧洲文艺精髓与东方哲思,形成内外一体的对话关系,建构出一套不同于现代派旗手的诗学话语体系,在20世纪现代派诗歌与古典传统的互动中形成了独特的艺术风格。 E.E.Cummings,one of the American modernists,has been influenced by Imagist deeply.Cummings forms his unique style of visualized concrete poems through blending modernist experimental language with painting techniques in the New Poetry movement at the beginning of 20th century.Cummingslater poetry present the reflection and return to his early poetry of modernism and the Classics.Based on the Mythos as the foundation and main thread,Cummings has established the association between modernism with the ancient Greek tradition by his later poetry which traces the ancient Greek Mythos from language to poetic style.It is a way to counteract the reason and logos by Mythos.Cummings integrates the essence of European literature and art with oriental philosophy and forms an integrated internal and external dialogical relationship in the core of mythos poetry.Thus,a set of poetics different from leaders of modernist has been constructed.It forms a unique artistic style in the interaction between 20th century modernist poetry and the Classics.
作者 李涛 Li Tao
机构地区 南京传媒学院
出处 《英美文学研究论丛》 2024年第1期227-239,共13页 English and American Literary Studies
关键词 E.E.卡明斯 秘索思 对话关系 嬗变 E.E.Cummings Mythos dialogical relationship evolution
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  • 5赵一凡,等译.《爱默生集》.三联书店,1993,第518—519页.
  • 6Andrews Norton(1786-1753),1819至1830年主持哈佛神学院,是波士顿单一神教的最著名的神学家.
  • 7William Ellery Channing(1780-1842),哈佛神学院毕业,1803年在波士顿当牧师,被认为是美国宗教界自由思想的发言人.他不是超验主义者,但其思想对年轻的超验主义者如爱默生、李普莱、派克等影响很大.
  • 8[4][5][9][10][11][12][18][19][20][21][24][25][27][31][32][33][39][40][41][42][43]George Hoehfield,Selected Writings of the American Transcendentalists (Signet, Classics, Toronto, 1966 ), p. 34, p. 42, p. 57, p. 204, p.217,p. 113, p. 115, p. 185, p. 310, p. 107, p. 131, p. 276, p.282,p. 337, p. xxii, p. 176, p. 178, p. 373, p. 388, p. 389, p.395, p. xxviii.
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  • 10George Ripley(1802-1880),1826年毕业于哈佛神学院,在波士顿获牧师职位一直到1840年.他翻译和编辑了同时代很多欧洲作家的作品,是19世纪30年代超验主义主要的发言人,1841年组建布鲁克农场.








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