

“Satanic Temptation”:The Aesthetics of Community in British Romantic Literature
摘要 受所处时代影响,英国浪漫主义文学或多或少地被染上了殖民主义色彩。殖民、旅行、流散、文学创作、审美与道德批判之间存在着强大的、难以割裂的且有时不易被人察觉的逻辑关系。以黑奴和“东方猎奇”为主题的英国浪漫主义文学创作形塑了英国人的审美旨趣,界定了英国民族国家共同体“美”与“崇高”的精神内核。该精神内核具有令人着迷的说服力。然而,究其本质,该精神内核不过是以特定审美和道德原则为依托、以构建新时期英国殖民强国为目的的“撒旦的诱惑”。 British romantic literature was more or less influenced by colonialism of the period.Colonization,travel,diaspora,literary writings,aesthetics and moral criticism had been intertwined to develope strong,inseparable and sometimes imperceptible logical relations among themselves.British romantic travel and diaspora literature with the themes of black slaves and“Oriental exoticism”shaped the aesthetic interests of the British people and defined the spiritual core of“beauty”and“sublimity”of the British national community.This spiritual core is fascinatingly persuasive.However,in essence,it is nothing but“Satanic temptation”for the purpose of constructing British colonial power in the new era based on certain aesthetic and moral principles.
作者 徐彬 Xu Bin
出处 《英美文学研究论丛》 2024年第1期261-275,共15页 English and American Literary Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“流散文学与人类命运共同体研究”(21&ZD277)的阶段性成果。
关键词 英国浪漫主义文学 黑奴 东方猎奇 民族国家共同体 审美 British romantic literature black slaves “Oriental exoticism” national community aesthetics
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