

Teaching simulation experiment of automatic-vertical parking based on V-REP
摘要 泊车对驾驶员的操作技能有很高的要求,自动泊车系统的出现能够很好地解决这一问题,帮助驾驶员安全精准地完成泊车操作。该文对典型的自动垂直泊车进行仿真研究,针对标准和狭窄停车通道的垂直泊车,研究了C字型与人字型的泊车规划路径算法。基于机器人仿真平台(virtual robot experimentation platform,V-REP)搭建了典型的泊车仿真场景,利用用户数据协议(user datagram protocol,UDP)构建V-REP与MATLAB之间的通信,开展了V-REP与MATLAB的联合仿真实验,充分展示了自动垂直泊车的泊车过程,总结了垂直泊车的路径特点,对自动垂直泊车进行了可视化演示。此外,基于该平台为学生提供了虚拟仿真实验环境,激发了学生对无人驾驶的学习兴趣和勇于探索的精神,提高了学生的操作能力与创新思维能力,获得了良好的教学效果。 [Objective]As the number of vehicles on the road increases,so does the demand for parking space.This increase has led to smaller parking spaces,making“parking difficulty”a significant challenge,especially for inexperienced drivers.A high frequency of parking-related accidents has brought the effectiveness of automatic parking systems into focus.This study aims to explore the principles and effects of such systems.At the same time,many colleges and universities have set up many innovative experiments connected to theoretical courses that utilize intelligent cars as a medium.However,traditional intelligent car experiments in offline teaching face several issues,including lengthy duration,insufficient equipment,and unsuitable venues.Therefore,there is an urgent need to build a virtual simulation platform to bridge this gap in the online teaching of intelligent car experiments.[Methods]This paper uses simulations to study typical automatic-vertical parking scenarios,focusing on the parking process in standard and narrow parking lanes.A visual simulation system was developed using the virtual robot experimentation platform(V-REP)and Matrix Laboratory(MATLAB)software.The parking scenario is constructed using V-REP,while the vertical parking algorithm is implemented in MATLAB.Communication between these two platforms is facilitated through the user datagram protocol(UDP),allowing vehicle control commands generated in MATLAB to be sent to and executed by V-REP.The system also returns the feedback of vehicle position and speed data to MATLAB.The vehicle control program operates by cyclically sending instructions and receiving vehicle position information,thereby enabling a comprehensive joint simulation experiment.Parking path planning and analysis are conducted using C-shaped and hermitage parking planning algorithms.[Results]The simulation results show the complete process of automatic-vertical parking,showcasing the path characteristics unique to automatic-vertical parking.A virtual simulation experimental environment was built to visually demonstrate the parking process.Utilizing known parking space coordinates and incorporating the collision circle model,two parking strategies have been devised for both standard and narrow parking lanes based on lateral distance.The C-shaped parking scheme is adopted when the width of the parking lane meets or exceeds the recommended width;conversely,the chevron parking scheme is adopted for lanes narrower than the recommended width.The experiments have shown that the planned paths are well-suited to various parking lane dimensions.Automatic parking systems have proven effective in addressing the challenges associated with drivers’parking maneuver skills.[Conclusions]Through simulation experiments and the application of path-planning algorithms,this study provides a theoretical foundation and practical guidance for the further development and improvement of related technologies.Moreover,the establishment of a parking virtual simulation experimental environment effectively overcomes certain drawbacks,such as invisibility,irreversibility,and the high costs associated with traditional experimental teaching methods.Students can leverage their understanding of vehicle parking theories and explore the principles and characteristics of different parking algorithms through hands-on experimentation.This approach enhances the interactive and immersive quality of experimental teaching,ensuring high-quality instruction and improving teaching results.It has significant value in fostering students’engineering practice and innovation abilities,serving as a good example of comprehensive online experimental teaching.
作者 吴绍斌 黄宇 储云峰 姜皓舰 龚建伟 熊光明 向巍 WU Shaobin;HUANG Yu;CHU Yunfeng;JIANG Haojian;GONG Jianwei;XIONG Guangming;XIANG Wei(School of Mechanical Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;School of Automobile Department,Guizhou Communication Vocational College,Guiyang 550000,China)
出处 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期116-122,共7页 Experimental Technology and Management
基金 面向自动驾驶的虚拟驾驶仿真系统课程建设项目(2022CGJG046) 2021年第一批教育部产学合作协同育人项目“智能网联车辆实验实践示范课程建设”(202101024018) 2022年度北京理工大学校级教育教学改革项目“面向自动驾驶的虚拟驾驶仿真系统课程建设”(2022CGJG046)。
关键词 自动垂直泊车 机器人仿真平台 虚拟仿真 在线实验 automatic-vertical parking virtual robot experimentation platform virtual simulation online experiment
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