

Design and application of an experiment platform for hydrogen production by low-temperature plasma-enhanced ammonia decomposition
摘要 氨是未来船舶的无碳燃料之一,但其高燃点、低火焰扩散速率等特性会严重影响氨燃料发动机的点火及燃烧特性,通常需要加入氢等高活性引燃燃料进行混合燃烧。为此,该文设计了基于催化技术和低温等离子体技术交叉结合的综合性实验平台,平台以氨标准气体为反应物,可开展不同工况下氨分解制氢的教学与探索性实验。同时,该平台涵盖船舶主推进动力装置、物理化学、等离子体科学等基础学科教学内容,有助于培养学生的学科交叉意识,使其了解船舶柴油机节能减碳前沿性技术。 [Objective]Ammonia emerges as a pivotal,carbon-free fuel for future maritime transportation.However,its adoption faces challenges owing to ammonia’s high ignition temperature and low flame diffusion rate.These characteristics complicate the ignition and combustion processes in ammonia-fueled engines,typically necessitating the introduction of reactive fuels like hydrogen to facilitate engine ignition.[Methods]To address these challenges,this study introduces an innovative experimental platform for NH_(3) decomposition.This platform combines catalysis with low-temperature plasma technologies.Specifically,our paper investigates the effects of different packing materials and variations in discharge power on the NH_(3) decomposition within a packed-bed dielectric barrier discharge(DBD)plasma reactor operating at ambient conditions.[Results]As the discharge power increases,we observe a corresponding rise in the reactor’s effective capacitance value,from 72.4 pF to 97.2 pF.This facilitates the generation of additional discharge channels and free electrons within the packed-bed DBD plasma reactor.Electron collision with NH_(3) molecules enhances the production of reactive species in the reactor.These atoms and molecules are more susceptible to dissociation owing to their excited state.In addition,the high discharge powers lead to a high“electrical heat”in the rector,which further activates the packing materials.The integration of plasma technology and packing materials strengthens the discharge characteristics of the packed-bed DBD plasma reactor,thereby boosting NH_(3) decomposition performance.When comparing non-packed reactors with those packed with ZSM-5,ZSM-35,and ZSM-23 materials,the NH_(3) decomposition performance increases from 59.2%to 71.7%,73.2%,and 77.3%,respectively,at a discharge power of 16 W.Moreover,energy efficiency increases from 208.1 mmol/kWh in the non-packed reactor to 1359.3 mmol/kWh using ZSM-23 packing material,marking an improvement of approximately 653.2%.The active sites on the surface and within the pores of the packing materials provide a larger number of reaction sites for gas-phase molecules.The special pore structure of ZSM-23 materials facilitates the diffusion of gas-phase molecules,promoting a higher frequency of multiphase reactions per unit time.In addition,this study investigates the effect of various process parameters on the NH_(3) decomposition performance using the packed-bed DBD plasma reactor at a discharge power of 16 W.The NH_(3) decomposition performance starts to decrease as the gas flow rate increases,with the lowest NH_(3) efficiency of 47.9%recorded at a gas flow rate of 300 mL/min.When the NH_(3) concentration is 0.4%,0.7%and 1.0%,the NH_(3) decomposition performance is 73.4%,59.2%and 51.2%,respectively.This variation in performance can be attributed to the number of gas particles in the discharge region.Specifically,an increase in the number of NH_(3) molecules flowing through the discharge region per unit time elevates the frequency of collisions between electrons and NH_(3) molecules,which in turn enhances the dissociation of these molecules.[Conclusions]The platform is designed to utilize ammonia as a reactant,facilitating teaching and exploratory experiments on NH_(3) decomposition and hydrogen production under different working conditions.Simultaneously,the teaching component covers fundamental disciplines such as ship main propulsion power plants,physical chemistry,and plasma science.This integrated approach aims to foster students’interdisciplinary knowledge,deepening their understanding of cutting-edge technologies for energy conservation and carbon reduction in marine diesel engines.
作者 何哲科 竺新波 沈国金 洪瑜 杨鑫 陈耿 吴叶平 HE Zheke;ZHU Xinbo;SHEN Guojin;HONG Yu;YANG Xin;CHEN Geng;WU Yeping(Faculty of Maritime and Transportation,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315832,China;New Materials Institute,University of Nottingham Ningbo,Ningbo 315042,China)
出处 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期164-171,共8页 Experimental Technology and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(52371326) 教育部高等学校交通运输类专业教学指导委员会航海技术教学指导分委员会教育教学改革研究项目(2022jzw005) 宁波大学教学研究项目(JYXM2024015)。
关键词 等离子体 氨分解 制氢 船舶柴油机 non-thermal plasma NH3 decomposition hydrogen production marine diesel engine
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