

A Typological Analysis of the Prosecutorial Functions in Foreign Countries
摘要 在对域外检察职能的发展进行整体性考察时,因为我们无法确保比较研究的周延性和完整性,所以我们选取了具有方法论意义的类型学研究范式,并将研究的目光落在刑事检察职能与非刑事检察职能两个类别上。我们发现,在刑事检察职能领域,当前的协商司法与程序分流成为检察改革的重要背景,因此检察官刑事检察职权的扩张成为不可逆转的历史进程,刑事检察主导效应愈发明显,刑事诉讼领域自由裁量权越来越成为检察官角色的重要特征,包括美国的替代起诉、辩诉交易;法国的公诉替代程序、刑事和解、庭前认罪答辩程序,这些检察职能使得越来越多的案件因为检察官的主导作用被排除在刑事司法大门之外,这些都让检察官们越来越成为刑事诉讼的“守门人”。纵观非刑事检察领域,其检察职能则呈现出复杂而又多元的特点,无论是基于“公共代表人”的定位抑或是“法律守护者”的角色,检察机关在非刑事检察领域,同样表现出独特的魅力。法国、德国的检察官在民事诉讼过程中,可以作为主当事人或从当事人,为保护公共秩序而参与到法律规定的案件中,成为公共利益的最后屏障;英美国家的“私人检察总长”理论则将公益代表人的身份延伸至行政公益诉讼领域,以此来监督行政机关依法履职。除此之外,域外一些国家的检察机关还可以参与到某些特殊领域的监管中。 When conducting a comprehensive examination of the development of prosecutorial functions in countries other than China,due to our inability to ensure the thoroughness and completeness of comparative studies,we have chosen a methodologically significant typological research paradigm.Our focus is on the categories of criminal prosecutorial functions and non-criminal prosecutorial functions.In the realm of criminal prosecutorial functions,we have found that consensual justice and procedural bifurcation have become important contexts for prosecutorial reform.As a result,the expansion of prosecutorial authority in criminal cases has become an irreversible historical process.The dominance of criminal prosecution has become more evident,and prosecutorial discretion in criminal proceedings has increasingly become a defining feature of prosecutorial roles.This includes alternative prosecution and plea bargaining in the United States,as well as alternative prosecution procedures,criminal settlements,and pre-trial guilty pleas in France.These prosecutorial functions collectively exclude an increasing number of cases from the realm of criminal justice due to the dominant role of prosecutors,making prosecutors increasingly the“gatekeepers”of criminal litigation.In the field of non-criminal prosecutorial functions,prosecutorial functions exhibit complexity and diversity.Whether based on the role of“public representatives”or the role of“legal guardians”,prosecuting authorities show unique charm in the field of non-criminal prosecution.In civil litigation processes,French and German prosecutors can act as principal parties or intervenors,participating in cases prescribed by law for the protection of public order,serving as the last safety barrier for public interests.In English-speaking countries,the theory of“private attorney general”extends the identity of public representatives to the field of administrative public interest litigation,supervising administrative agencies in performing their duties in accordance with the law.In addition to these functions,prosecuting authorities in foreign countries can also participate in the regulation of certain specialized areas.
作者 陈兴生 武艳 Chen Xingsheng;Wu Yan
出处 《法治现代化研究》 2024年第1期159-169,共11页 Law and Modernization
基金 江苏省人民检察院检察理论研究课题“域外检察职能比较研究”(项目编号:SJ202130)的部分成果。
关键词 域外检察职能 刑事检察职能 非刑事检察职能 prosecutorial functions in foreign countries criminal prosecutorial functions non-criminal prosecutorial functions
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