

Research on the status and development of medical and public health informatization in China,from the perspective of medical and preventive integration
摘要 医防融合是“治病”和“防病”有效衔接。多年来,医防融合研究多聚焦在慢性非传染性疾病及慢性传染性疾病,对急性传染病关注不足。面对新发突发传染病,如何做好持续监测、早期预警、应急处置和合理救治,将是医疗卫生体系发展和改革的重点。而医疗健康数据互通共享是弥合医防裂隙的首要前提,也是推动智慧化传染病监测预警的重要路径,信息化则是实现医防高效协同的必由之路。本文通过梳理美国、欧洲国家的医疗卫生信息化发展历程,对比并探讨我国医疗卫生信息化发展中存在的主要问题与挑战,以期为我国医疗卫生信息化的发展及医防融合机制创新提供参考。 Medical and preventive integration effectively bridges the gap between"treating diseases"and"preventing diseases".Over the years,medical and preventive integration research has focused on chronic and chronic infectious diseases,with insufficient attention to acute ones.Confronting newly emerging infectious diseases establishing continuous monitoring,early warning,emergency response,and appropriate treatment will be a key focus for developing and reforming the healthcare system.Interoperability and sharing of medical and health data are essential prerequisites for bridging the gap between medical treatment and disease prevention and are also important for promoting intelligent surveillance and early warning of infectious diseases.Informatization is necessary to achieve efficient collaboration between medical treatment and disease prevention.Reviewing the development of medical and health informatization in the United States and Europe,this paper compares and discusses the problems and challenges in developing medical and health informatization in China.The aim is to provide references for the development of medical and health informatization and the innovation of medical and preventive integration mechanisms in the country.
作者 吴彦霖 李开明 郭玉清 林帆 李言飞 王丽萍 Wu Yanlin;Li Kaiming;Guo Yuqing;Lin Fan;Li Yanfei;Wang Liping(National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Tracking and Forecasting for Infectious Diseases,Beijing 102206,China;Division of Infectious Disease,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 102206,China;Information Center,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期892-898,共7页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 全国各地域卫生、农林本底调查与监测研究。
关键词 信息化 医防融合 医疗机构 监测预警 Informatization Medical and preventive integration Medical institutions Monitoring and early warning
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