

Resolving the Crisis of the Body:Interpreting Sports as a Primordial Human Lifestyle
摘要 从身体学的视角,运用逻辑分析法阐释身体危机的内涵、具体表现及现实后果,深描这一背景下“体育生活方式”促进健康的价值,为体育生活方式成为身体危机消解的唯有门径,提供理论和现实依据,为体育生活方式的践行找到新原点和立足点,阐释体育生活方式构建之人类发展的意义。研究认为:身体“缺场”危机直击社会心理恐慌,身体“认同”危机表现为身体节律失衡指涉理性压抑本能,身体“符号”危机是效用主义关涉道德秩序失范,身体“本体”危机是“我”与身体的割裂。体育成为生活方式重新整合身体与生活的关系:体育的身体在场,舒缓过激的情绪;体育的身体认同,感知生存的意义;体育的身体释放,转载野蛮的本性;体育的自然本位黏合身体与精神。体育规范生活秩序,体育重振生活信心,体育拯救完整人性,体育聚集生活力量,促进健康、文明、觉醒、积极生活方式形成。“体育生活方式”是对潜伏在中国礼仪之邦背面隐藏的一种野蛮的文明化转移,实现身体功能、身体欲望、身体规则的现代性转移,培养身体素养,激发感性身体,告诉人们文明的边界和底线在哪里。 From the perspective of somatology,this paper uses logical analysis to elucidate the essence,specific man⁃ifestations,and practical consequences of the crisis of the body.It delves into the value of promoting health through the“sports lifestyle”in this context,providing theoretical and practical basis for sports lifestyle to become the only way to resolve the crisis of the body.It finds a new starting point and foothold for the practice of sports lifestyle,and explains the significance of the construction of human development through the sports lifestyle.The study believes that the crisis of“lack of presence”in the body directly hits societal psychological panic,the crisis of“identification”in the body presents as the imbalance of body rhythms involving the suppression of instincts by rationality,the crisis of“symbol”in the body is utilitarianism related to the disorder of moral order,and the crisis of“ontology”in the body is the fragmentation between“self”and the body.Sports,as a way of life,reintegrates the relationship between the body and life:the physical presence of sports helps soothe excessive emotions;the identification of the body through sports enhances the perception of the meaning of existence;engaging in sports releases primal instincts;sports’natural essence bonds the body and spirit.Sports regulate the order of life,reignite confidence in life,rescue the integrity of human nature,gather the vitality in life,and promote the formation of a healthy,civilized,awak⁃ened,and proactive way of life.The“sports lifestyle”is a civilized transformation of hidden barbarism behind the etiquette nation of China,realizing the modern transfer of body functions,desires,and rules,cultivating physical literacy,stimulating sensory bodies,and telling people where the boundaries and bottoms of civilization are.
作者 黄美蓉 张佳佳 房纹萱 HUANG Meirong;ZHANG Jiajia;FANG Wenxuan(School of Sports,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,Jiangsu China;School of Athletic Performance,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 北大核心 2024年第3期133-144,共12页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 江苏省哲学社会科学规划一般项目“江苏省青少年体育生活方式形成机理及促进路径研究”(项目编号:20TYB009) 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题“体育生活方式社会价值实现路径研究”(项目编号:2022ZTY001)。
关键词 体育生活方式 身体危机表征 身体危机认知 身体危机消解 身体功能 身体素养 sports lifestyle manifestations of body crisis perception of body crisis resolution of body crisis physical function physical fitness
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