

The Biological Characteristics of the Little Gland Frog Glandirana minima and the Reevaluation of Its Endangered Levels
摘要 小腺蛙(Glandirana minima)是福建特有两栖动物,被中国脊椎动物红色名录评估为极危级(CR),IUCN评估为濒危级(EN),被列入国家二级重点保护野生动物。小腺蛙种群极小,但是其目前在福建省的分布区没有被任何自然保护区覆盖,面临极大的灭绝风险。自2019年7月至2021年8月,连续2年在小腺蛙历史分布点及福州周边地区调查了小腺蛙分布及数量,初期采用目击计数法,掌握鸣声特征后则采用目击及鸣声计数法相结合的方式进行调查;在发现小腺蛙的地点使用测量工具调查其生境及微生境;在福州一条溪流中采用样线法结合摄影设备观察记录其生活史各阶段信息。基于调查数据及《IUCN物种红色名录濒危等级和标准》(3.1版)评估标准,对小腺蛙的濒危等级进行了再评估。结果显示,目前发现的小腺蛙与模式标本形态一致。在小腺蛙的4个历史分布点中,仅模式标本产地福建福清市灵石寺仍有小腺蛙分布。新发现村级分布点22个,涉及9个县级行政区。分布点的连线面积是历史分布区的6倍。各分布点小腺蛙数量累计459只,主要分布于海拔740m以下丘陵山地的撂荒水稻田、溪流和水塘及水坑。繁殖期5到7月,蝌蚪可当年变态或第二年变态。再评估结果显示,小腺蛙的受胁状态处于濒危级(EN)与易危级(VU)之间。水环境的人为改变是小腺蛙所面临的主要威胁。 [Objectives]Little Gland Frog Glandirana minima is an endemic amphibian species in Fujian,China.It is evaluated as Critically Endangered(CR)in the Red List of Vertebrates in China,as well as Endangered(EN)by IUCN.It is listed as the second-class state key protected wildlife in China.Little Grand Frog has an extremely small population,but currently,it is not covered by any nature reserve in Fujian Province,facing a great risk of extinction.Moreover,since its first report in the late 1970s,there has been very little research available,which is not conducive to the implementation of relevant protection measures.Conducting field investigations and reassessing the endangered level of this species help to gain a deeper understanding of its survival and expansion capabilities in the wild,and to provide scientific data for formulating conservation strategies for the G.minima.[Methods]From July 2019 to August 2021,a continuous survey was conducted on the distribution,quantity,reproductive behavior,habitat,and microenvironment of the G.minima in its historical distribution points and the surrounding area of Fuzhou using visual encounter surveys and call counting methods.The number of the G.minima at each distribution point was determined by selecting the maximum count obtained from multiple surveys,accounting for variations in survey frequencies at each point.The total number of G.minima was determined by aggregating the counts of at each distribution point.The key identification features of the G.minima were determined through the utilization of image capture techniques and direct field observations.At the same time,according to the evaluation criteria of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Levels and Standards(version 3.1),a reassessment of the endangered level of the G.minima was conducted based on survey data.[Results]The main recognition feature of the G.minima is the longitudinal skin ribs with varying lengths in 8 rows on the back and the side(Fig.1a and c),consistent with the description of the type specimen.Juveniles are similar to adults,with only shorter longitudinal skin edges(Fig.1f).The population distribution shows significant changes compared to the historical records.Among the four historical distribution points of the G.minima(black triangles in Fig.2),only the type specimen location(Lingshi Temple,Fuqing)still has the distribution of the G.minima(the southernmost black triangles in Fig.2),and three new village level distribution points have been discovered around it;we did not find the distribution of the G.minima in three other historical sites(Yongquan Temple in Fuzhou,Fangguangyan in Yongtai,and Wenshu Temple in Changle),but a total of eight new village level distribution points have been discovered in other parts of their administrative regions(Fig.2).In addition,11 village level distribution points in 5 counties were newly found outside the administrative regions of historical distribution points(Fig.2).Overall,there are 22 new village level distribution points added compared to historical distribution points.The area of the distribution region is 4800 km2(Fig.2),which is six times the size of the historical distribution region.The suitable habitats for the G.minima are waterlogged fields,streams,ponds,small pool and mountainous areas with an altitude of 10﹣740 m(Table 1),with abandoned rice paddies being the main habitat(Table 1).The population size shows a characteristic that depends on the suitable habitat area,with a total of 459 ind among all distribution points(Table 1).Among them,82.6%are distributed in areas with elevations above 100 m(Table 1).The preferred habitats are broad-leaved forests(Table 1).The breeding period is from May to July,and tadpoles can undergo metamorphosis in the same year or the following year.The reevaluation results show that the threatened state of the G.minima is between Endangered(EN)and Vulnerable(VU).[Conclusion]The G.minima has strong adaptability to its habitat.However,anthropogenic changes in the water environment are the main threat faced by the G.minima.Drought can reduce the number of G.minima.Therefore,protecting the abandoned rice paddies,their microhabitats,and water sources,on which they rely for survival are key focuses of future conservation work.The G.minima is only distributed in a narrow region in Fuzhou and its northern area,further research is needed to reveal the internal mechanism of its narrow distribution.
作者 江航东 董国泰 秦民晗 黄黎晗 罗忠红 孙霞菁 于力 黄晓春 周晖 JIANG Hang-Dong;DONG Guo-Tai;QIN Min-Han;HUANG Li-Han;LUO Zhong-Hong;SUN Xia-Jing;YU Li;HUANG Xiao-Chun;ZHOU Hui;Xiamen Jujiu(Biodiversity Research Center,Xiamen 361006;College of the Environment and Ecology,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361102;Xiamen Garden Expo Garden,Xiamen 361022;Fujian Forestry Survey and Design Institute,Fuzhou 350001;Fuzhou Yingxin Education Technology Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350006,China)
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期369-378,共10页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
基金 深圳市质兰公益基金会项目(No.2019070351A,2020100121A)。
关键词 小腺蛙 分布 数量 生境 习性 威胁 Glandirana minima Distribution Quantity Habitat Habits Threatened
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