We constructed a gauge B-L model with D_(4)×Z_(4)×Z_(2)symmetry to explain the quark and lepton mass hierarchies and their mixings with realistic CP phases via the type-I seesaw mechanism.Six quark mases,three quark mixing angles,and the CP phase in the quark sector take the central values whereas Yukawa couplings in the quark sector are diluted in a range of difference of three orders of magnitude by the perturbation theory at the first order.Concerning the neutrino sector,a small neutrino mass is achieved by the type-I seesaw mechanism.Both inverted and normal neutrino mass hierarchies are consistent with the experimental data.The predicted sum of neutrino masses for normal and inverted hierarchies,the effective neutrino masses,and the Dirac CP phase are also consistent with recently reported limits.
funded by Tay Nguyen University under grant number T2023-45CBTD。