

A Study on the Incident of Xinsui Company Subsidizing Xinjiang students to Go to Inland Regions for Further Study in 1943—From the Perspective of National,Local and Social Interaction
摘要 1943年下半年,新绥公司总经理朱炳先后向国民政府提出资助新疆及西北五省学子赴内地国立大学升学的计划。教育部对此深表嘉许和支持。然而主政新疆的盛世才虽已公开投归国民党中央,但依旧心存防范,抛出朱炳阴谋破坏新疆、勾结日军、危害国家等罪名,反对实施该计划,试图抵制新疆与内地日益密切的联系。最终,尚未在新疆站稳脚跟的国民政府选择向地方势力暂时妥协,资助计划被迫搁浅。此事件乃抗战时期以民族企业为代表的社会力量主动参与国家边疆教育事业的典型案例,反映了国家、地方与社会的复杂纠葛,凸显出制约战时边疆教育发展的历史困局,并提示特殊政治生态下的边疆教育史研究在中央与地方之外的社会力量尚有进一步探讨的余地。 In the second half of 1943,Zhu Bing,general manager of Xinsui Company,proposed to the Nationalist Government the plan of subsidizing students from Xinjiang and the five Northwest provinces to go to national universities in China's inland regions.The Ministry of Education expressed its appreciation and support.However,although Sheng Shicai,who was in charge of Xinjiang,had openly joined the Kuomintang central Committee,he still had a sense of guard against the plan,accusing Zhu Bing of conspiring to sabotage Xinjiang,colluding with the Japanese army and endangering the State.He opposed the implementation of the plan and tried to resist the increasingly close ties between Xinjiang and inland regions.In the end,the Nationalist Government,which had yet to gain a foothold in Xinjiang,chose to compromise temporarily with local forces,and the funding plan was forced to ground to a halt.This incident is a typical case of social forces represented by national enterprises actively participating in border education during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.It reflects the complex entanglements between the State,locality and society,highlights the dilemma of restricting the development of border education during wartime,and suggests that under the special political ecology,there is still room for further exploration of historical research on border education in social forces besides the central government and the local government.
作者 沈杰 SHEN Jie(Institute of Chinese Modern History,Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei,430079)
出处 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期55-62,共8页 Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助(创新资助项目)“抗战时局下的边疆教育研究”(2023CXZZ006)。
关键词 新绥公司 朱炳 盛世才 教育部 边疆教育 Xinsui Company Zhu Bing Sheng Shicai Ministry of Education Border Education
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