

Study on the Risk of Mold Growth in Building Walls in Hot-summer and Cold-winter Zone
摘要 建筑墙体霉菌的滋生不仅影响建筑整体美观性,还会引发室内人员呼吸道疾病和过敏症状。不同气候地区影响霉菌滋生的因素存在较大差异。本文对湖南省湘潭市某高校新建实验室墙体内表面温度和相对湿度进行连续监测,利用WUFI-Bio软件进行数据分析,评估墙体霉菌滋生风险。结果显示:当墙体内表面相对湿度高于70%时,霉菌滋生风险较大;当墙体内表面相对湿度低于70%时,霉菌滋生受温度的影响增加;当墙体内表面相对湿度低于60%时,霉菌滋生风险较低。即6月至8月中旬,被测墙体霉菌滋生风险较高。本结果可为减少建筑墙体霉菌危害,改善室内热湿环境提供一定参考。 The growth of mold in building walls not only affects the overall aesthetics of the building,but also causes respiratory diseases and allergic symptoms for indoor personnel.There are significant dfferences in the factors that affect the growth of fungi in different climatic regions.This study aims to monitor the temperature and relative humidity of the inner surface of the wall in a new-built laboratory in Xiangtan,China.The data analysis was carried out by WUFI-Bio software to evaluate the risk of mold growth.The results showed that when the relative humidity of the inner surface of the wall was higher than 70%,the risk of mold growth was greater.When the relative humidity of the inner surface of the wall was lower than 70%,the mold growth was affected greatly by temperature.When the relative humidity of the inner surface of the wall was less than 60%,the growth of mold stops and the risk of mold growth was low.In other word there was a higher risk of mold growth on the investigated building walls from June to mid-August.The results of this study can provide a reference for reducing the damage of mold in building walls and improving the indoor thermal and humid environment.
作者 姜雨含 胡锦华 胡家铖 谢华慧 张世哲 邱欣毅 JIANG Yuhan;HU Jinhua;HU Jiacheng;XIE Huahui;ZHANG Shizhe;QIU Xinyi(College of Civil Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 4lll00,China;Hunan Engineering Research Center for Intelligently Prefabricated Passive House,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 411100,China;Department of Civil and Architecture Engineering,Wuyi University,Jiangmen529020,China)
出处 《制冷》 2024年第3期59-62,共4页 Refrigeration
基金 湖南省自然科学基金省市联合基金(2022JJ50127) 湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金(21B0460) 19年省拨高建“冲补强”专项(5041700127) 复合调湿砂浆在岭南建筑中的应用研究(基础与应用基础项目(江门市基础与理论科学研究类科技计划项目)2021030100500004886)。
关键词 夏热冬冷地区 建筑墙体 霉菌 热湿环境 风险评估 Hot-summer and Cold-winter Zone Building Walls Mold Hot And Humid Environment Risk Assessment
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