

Evaluation of the Therapeutic Effect of Liushi Changyu Decoction Combined with Temporal Triple Needle Therapy on Limb Dysfunction after Stroke
摘要 目的 探讨刘氏菖郁汤联合颞三针治疗中风后肢体障碍患者的疗效及对肢体平衡能力、脑血流动力学的影响。方法 回顾性分析2021年1月至2023年6月鹤壁市人民医院收治的94例中风后肢体功能障碍患者的临床资料,按不同治疗方案分为A组(n=47)、B组(n=47)。A组采用常规西医治疗,B组在西医治疗基础上采用刘氏菖郁汤联合颞三针治疗。比较两组疗效,治疗前、治疗4周后肢体运动/平衡功能[Fugl-Meyer运动功能评分量表(FMA)评分、Berg平衡量表(BBS)评分],脑血流动力学指标[脑动脉平均血流速度(Vm)、血管阻力指数(RI)],血清因子指标[同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)、基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)]水平。结果 B组总有效率(95.74%)高于A组(82.98%)(P<0.05)。治疗4周后,B组FMA评分、BBS评分均高于A组(P<0.05);B组RI指数低于A组,Vm速度快于A组(P<0.05);B组Hcy、MMP-9水平均低于A组(P<0.05)。结论 刘氏菖郁汤联合颞三针能有效抑制中风后炎症反应,改善脑部血液供应,加快脑组织、肢体运动功能、平衡功能恢复,增强治疗效果。 Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of liushi changyu decoction combined with temporal triple needle therapy on patients with limb dysfunction after stroke and its impact on limb balance ability and cerebral hemodynamics.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 94 patients with limb dysfunction after stroke admitted to Hebi People's Hospital from January 2021 to June 2023.They were divided into A group(n=47)and B group(n=47)according to different treatment plans.The A group was treated with conventional western medicine,while the observation group was treated with liushi changyu decoction combined with temporal triple needle therapy on the basis of western medicine.Compare the efficacy of two groups,including limb motor/balance function Fugl-Meyer assessment scale(FMA)score,Berg balance Scale(BBS)score],cerebral hemodynamic indicators[mean velocity(Vm),resistance index(RI)]Serum factor indicators[homocysteine(Hcy),matrix metalloproteinase-9(MMP-9)]levels before and after 4 weeks of treatment.Results The total effective rate of the B group(95.74%)was higher than that of the A group(82.98%)(P<0.05).After 4 weeks of treatment,the FMA score and BBS score of the B group were higher than those of the A group(P<0.05);the RI index of the B group was lower than that of the A group,and the Vm speed was faster than that of the A group(P<0.05);the Hcy and MMP-9 levels in the B group were lower on average than those in the A group(P<0.05).Conclusion Liushi changyu decoction combined with temporal triple needle therapy can effectively inhibit post stroke inflammatory response,improve brain blood supply,accelerate the recovery of brain tissue,limb motor function,and balance function,and enhance the therapeutic effect.
作者 朱艳 刘青青 莫梦松 ZHU Yan;LIU Qingqing;MO Mengsong(Hebi People's Hospital,Hebi Henan 458030,China)
机构地区 鹤壁市人民医院
出处 《药品评价》 CAS 2024年第3期301-304,共4页 Drug Evaluation
关键词 刘氏菖郁汤 颞三针 中风 肢体功能障碍 疗效 脑血流动力学 炎症因子 Liushi changyu decoction Temporal triple needle therapy Stroke Limb dysfunction Efficacy Cerebral hemodynamics Inflammatory factors
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