

Simulation of whole flooding process in main stream and tributaries under different rainfall concentrations
摘要 为研究流域洪水形成过程及淹没风险规律,采用二维全水动力模型GAST模拟灞河部分流域的降雨成洪情况,分析不同降雨集中度下的洪水形成过程及淹没风险区变化规律。结果表明,降雨集中度影响流域洪水的洪峰流量与峰现时间,也影响淹没风险区面积及峰值出现时间。雨量大且集中的降雨容易在短时间内形成大洪峰洪水,也较快达到淹没风险区面积峰值;流域干支流在出山口断面峰现时间顺序为清峪沟、流峪河、灞河上游、蓝桥河,汇流起始点与流域出口断面峰现时间最大相差80 min;淹没风险区域主要分布于流域出山口外的灞河干流沿河两岸,淹没面积达到峰值最早为低风险区,最晚为极高风险区,峰现时间均在4 h之前。流域干支流洪水过程及淹没风险变化过程分析结果可为灞河流域不同降雨条件下的防洪响应及部署提供参考。 In order to study the flooding process and the inundation risk it poses to the river basin,GAST,a two-dimensional all-hydrodynamic model,is used to simulate the rainfall flooding in some regions of the Ba River Basin,by which the process of flood formation and the changes of inundation risk area under different rainfall concentrations are analyzed.The results show that rainfall concentration affects the peak flow and peak time of flood in the Ba River Basin,as well as the inundation risk area and its peak time;heavy and concentrated rainfall leads to flooding with large peaks in a short period of time,and also the peak area of the inundation risk.The chronological order of peak time of the mainstream and tributaries of the basin is the Qingyugou,the mainstream of the Ba River,the upper reaches of the Ba River and the Lanqiao River,and the maximum difference of the peak time between the starting point of the confluence and the outlet section of the basin is 80 min.The inundation risk areas mainly distributed along the banks of the mainstream of the Ba River outside the mountain outlet of the river basin,and the earliest peak of inundation area is the low-risk area,the latest is the extremely high-risk area,which occurs before 4 h.The analysis of the flooding process and inundation risk change process of the mainstream and tributaries of the Ba River Basin can provide a reference for the flood response and deployment of control measures under different rainfall conditions in the basin.
作者 董美君 侯精明 方媛 石磊 马勇勇 王添 景静 吴豪 马萌华 DONG Meijun;HOU Jingming;FANG Yuan;SHI Lei;MA Yongyong;WANG Tian;JING Jing;WU Hao;MA Menghua(State Key Laboratory of Eco-hydraulics in Northwest Arid Region of China,Xi’an University of Technology,Xi’an 710048,China;Shaanxi Weihe Ecological Technology R&D Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710068,China;PowerChina Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited,Xi’an 710065,China)
出处 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期90-99,共10页 Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(52079106) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划——引汉济渭联合基金重点项目(2022JC-LHJJ-09) 陕西省重点研发计划项目(2023GXLH-042) 中国电力建设股份有限公司重点科技项目(DJ-ZDXM-2022-41)。
关键词 流域洪水 设计降雨 降雨集中度 峰现时间 淹没风险 basin flooding design rainfall rainfall concentration peak time inundation risk
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