《云谣集》是敦煌文献中的一部民间曲子词集 ,据学者考证 ,所写多为盛唐时期民间流行的歌曲。其中大部分词反映了唐代民间男女的两性关系。《挂枝儿》是明代冯梦龙辑评的一部民歌总集 ,也鲜明生动地反映了明代各阶层人民生活中的男女两性关系。从《云谣集》和《挂枝儿》两部民间诗歌集的对比中 ,能够鲜明地看出 ,从唐到明男女两性关系由隐到显 ,由封闭到开放 ,由含蓄到直露 。
Cloud Ballads'is a collection of folk Qu and Ci in DunHuang manuscripts, by the result of the scholars' textual research ,its contents are mainly about the popular folk songs during the flourishing period of Tang Dynasty Most of the Ci in the collection mirror the folk sexual relationship in Tang Dynasty 'Gua zhir'is a collection of folk songs, edited and commented by FENG Meng-long ,which also vividly reflects the sexual relationship of all classes of the people in Ming Dynasty Through the comparision of 'Cloud Ballads'with'Gua Zhir',we can clearly find such a transmutation of the sexual relationship in the above two dynasties: from concealment to obviousness, from closeness to openness, from indirectness to directness, from orthodox to licentiousness and vulgarity
Journal of Leshan Normal University