

Teaching Force Development in Vocational Colleges Based on"Curriculum Ideology and Politics"——Taking Beijing Institute of Economic and Management as an Example
摘要 近年来,随着课程思政成为新时代各高等院校落实立德树人工作的重要抓手,课程思政进教材、进课堂等工作有序展开,并取得一定成绩。但是教师作为落实课程思政教育的主阵地还存在思政融入意识不强、能力不够,专业思政挖掘不足、教学方法单一、教学效果差强人意,教师之间缺乏团队合作,教学效率有待提高等现实问题。职业院校应加强顶层设计,通过构建责任明确、全员协同的育人体系;打造思政教学共同体,打通思政教育专业壁垒;搭建案例分享平台,提升教师课程思政教学能力;设立“课程思政”专项教改激励机制等措施助推教师做好课程思政建设。 In recent years,with the development of curriculum ideology and politics becoming an important tool for universities to implement the work of moral education and talent cultivation in the new era,the work of integrating ideological and political education into textbooks and classrooms has been carried out in an orderly manner,and certain achievements have been made.However,as the main battlefield for implementing ideological and political education in the curriculum,teachers still face practical problems such as weak awareness of integrating ideology and politics,insufficient ability,insufficient exploration in finding ideological and political elements in professional fields,single teaching methods,unsatisfactory teaching effects,lack of teamwork among teachers,and improvements to be made in teaching efficiency.Vocational colleges should strengthen top-level design by building a clear responsibility and collaborative education system for all staff;Forming a community of ideological and political education,breaking down professional barriers in ideological and political education;Building a case sharing platform to enhance the teaching ability of teachers in curriculum ideology and politics;Establishing a special incentive mechanism for curriculum ideological and political education and other measures to promote teachers to do a good job in curriculum ideology and politics construction.
作者 黄腾蛟 赵楠 HUANG Teng-jiao;ZHAO Nan(Beijing Institute of Economic and Management,Beijing,100102)
出处 《天津商务职业学院学报》 2024年第2期80-85,共6页 Journal of Tianjin College of Commerce
关键词 课程思政 教师队伍 激励机制 Curriculum Ideology and Politics teaching force incentive mechanism








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