“Chengzhongmeng School Character Lesson Diagram”,which enjoys the reputation of being the“first book of Chinese in a hundred years”,is the first set of elementary school Chinese literacy textbooks in the modern sense,but also the thought giant Hu Shi,Mao Dun and other famous literati’s book.The book not only includes a large number of Chinese characters,but also adopts two interpretation methods of“brief”and“detailed”.At the same time,many vivid illustrations are drawn for the se-lected characters,so that students of different ages can learn excellent traditional cultural know-ledge while reading.From the perspective of folk culture,this paper investigates and studies the se-lected characters of“Chengzhongmeng School Character Lesson Diagram”.In the reading of the text,it carefully studies the interpretation of each selected word and its deep cultural implication,classi-fies it according to the characteristics of the interpretation of selected characters in the book,com-pares the changes of its folk culture in the development of The Times in connection with the current social reality,and carries out a further study.Explore its unique charm of folk culture characteristics and value of The Times.
Chunjie Wang(School of Political Science and Law,Xinjiang Normal University,Urumqi Xinjiang)
Chinese Traditional Culture
“Chengzhongmeng School Character Lesson Diagram”
Folk Culture
Contemporary Value