

摘要 重视对“三农”问题的考察和解决是中国共产党治国理政的显著特征。目前,我国“三农”工作重心已由“脱贫攻坚”转向“全面推进乡村振兴”,但其难度、广度、深度不亚于脱贫攻坚。广西作为革命老区和全国其他地区一样,肩负着如何举全党全社会之力实现乡村全面振兴的重大任务。在此背景下,探索研究生支教团服务广西乡村振兴的现实途径,这对于贯彻党中央的文件精神有重要的现实意义。一是紧抓教书育人中心工作,为广西乡村基础教育注入“新鲜血液”;二是参与基层治理,为广西乡村组织振兴添砖加瓦;三是连接社会各界公益资源,开展广西乡村助学助农活动,发挥团队专业优势,助推广西乡村旅游业新发展。 Focus on the investigation and solution of the questions concerning"agriculture,rural areas and farmers"is characteristic of the CPC's governance.At present,the focus of our country's work on"agriculture,rural areas and farmers"has shifted from"poverty alleviation"to"promoting the revitalization of the rural areas in an all-round way",but its difficulty,breadth and depth are no less than those of the poverty alleviation.As an old revolutionary base,Guangxi,like other regions of the country,shoulders the important task of how to carry out the all-round revival of the rural areas with the strength of the whole Party and the whole society.In this context,we explore the practical ways of the post-graduate teaching group to serve the rural revitalization of Guangxi,which is of great practical significance for the implementation of the Party Central Committee's spirit of the document,including.Firstly,we focus on the work of the teaching and education centre to inject fresh blood into the basic education of Guangxi;secondly,we participate in grassroots governance to contribute to the revitalization of Guangxi's rural organizations;thirdly,we connect the public welfare resources of all sectors of society,to carry out the activities of rural student-aid to agriculture in Guangxi;lastly,we give full play to the professional advantages of the team,and to promote the new development of rural tourism in Guangxi.
作者 李琪 李慧
出处 《智慧农业导刊》 2024年第15期185-188,共4页 JOURNAL OF SMART AGRICULTURE
基金 2022年度广西学位与研究生教育改革课题(JGY2022156)。
关键词 研究生支教团 广西乡村振兴 教书育人 基层治理 乡村旅游 graduate student support group Guangxi rural revitalization teaching and educating people grass-roots governance rural tourism
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