

Characteristics of pesticide residues and dietary exposure risk assessment of vegetables sold in Qingdao City
摘要 目的了解青岛市市售蔬菜中农药残留污染水平,为青岛市蔬菜食用安全提供科学依据。方法2020—2022年,在青岛10个区市随机采集7大类680份蔬菜样品,检测并分析蔬菜样品中28种农药残留的特征,对被检出农药进行急性、慢性膳食暴露风险评估。结果680份蔬菜样品中,农药检出率为9.71%(66/680);超标率为2.79%(19/680)。共检出10种农药,检出率最高的为联苯菊酯4.50%(27/600);共超标6种农药,超标率最高的为毒死蜱1.18%(8/680)。各类农药检出率与超标率间的差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。7类蔬菜间的检出率差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001),茄果类农残检出率最高(27.68%,31/112),检出农残种类的数量最多(8种)。7类蔬菜中均有禁限用农药的分布。10个区市均有农残检出,除黄岛区、胶州市、平度市外均有超标现象。城阳区检出率为19.44%(7/36),李沧区超标率为7.02%(4/57),市北区检出农残种类的数量最多为7种。检出的各类农药的急性、慢性膳食暴露风险评估aHQ、cHQ均小于1。结论青岛市市售蔬菜样品中仍有部分禁限用农药存在,但农药残留水平较低,居民通过膳食途径摄入蔬菜中农残的健康风险较小。要继续加强对禁限用农药的监督管理,最大限度降低食用蔬菜中农药残留对人体健康造成的风险。 Objective To provide scientific basis for the safety of vegetables in Qingdao,the pollution level of pesticide residues in vegetables in Qingdao was understood.Methods Six hundred and eighty vegetable samples of 7 categories were randomly collected from 10 districts and cities in Qingdao from 2020 to 2022.The characteristics of 28 pesticide residues in vegetable samples were detected and analyzed,and the acute and chronic dietary exposure risks of detected pesticides were assessed.Results In 680 vegetable samples,the detection rate was 9.71%(66/680).The over-standard rate was 2.79%(19/680).A total of 10 pesticides were detected,and the highest detection rate was bifenthrin with(4.50%,27/600).A total of 6 pesticides exceeded the standard,and the highest rate was chlorpyrifos(1.18%,8/680).The difference between the detection rate and the over-standard rate of all kinds of pesticides was statistically significant(P<0.001).There was significant difference in the detection rate among the 7 types of vegetables(P<0.001),and the detection rate of pesticide residues was the highest(27.68%,31/112),and the number of pesticide residues was the highest(8 kinds).The distribution of prohibited pesticides was found in all the 7 types of vegetables.Agricultural residues were detected in 10 districts and cities,except Huangdao district,Jiaozhou city and Pingdu city.The detection rate was 19.44%(7/36)in Chengyang district and 7.02%(4/57)in Licang district.The number of pesticide residues detected in Shibei district was up to 7.After acute and chronic dietary exposure risk assessment,aHQ and cHQ were all less than 1.Conclusion Some prohibited pesticides were still detected in vegetable samples sold in Qingdao,but the pesticide residue level was low,and the health risk of agricultural residue in vegetables ingested by residents through dietary channels is small.It was necessary to continue to strengthen the supervision and management of prohibited pesticides to minimize the risk of pesticide residues in edible vegetables to human health.
作者 李传秀 孙枫林 于红卫 吕晓静 于维森 石学香 LI Chuanxiu;SUN Fenglin;YU Hongwei;LYU Xiaojing;YU Weisen;SHI Xuexiang(College of Public Health,Shandong Second Medical University,Shandong Weifang 261053,China;Qingdao Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Qingdao Preventive Medicine Research Institute,Shandong Qingdao 266033,China)
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期407-413,共7页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
基金 青岛市民生科技计划项目(18-6-1-67-nsh) 青岛市医疗卫生重点学科及优秀人才培养项目资助(青卫科教字〔2019〕9号)。
关键词 蔬菜 农药残留 杀虫剂 膳食暴露风险评估 Vegetable pesticide residues insecticide dietary exposure risk assessment
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