

Research Status, Hotspots and Trends of Rural Sports in China from 1995 to 2023
摘要 本研究主要目的是通过农村体育领域研究的学术史梳理,揭示农村体育发展的趋势及内在规律,为推进新时代农村体育可持续发展、满足农村人群更美好生活需求,提供参考借鉴。研究采用文献计量分析方法,使用知识图谱绘制工具CiteSpace,基于CNKI数据库高质量学术成果进行定量分析和归纳对比,多维度挖掘农村体育研究趋势及研究热点。研究结果表明:1.近年来国内农村体育研究成果丰富;2.该领域已形成稳定学术团体,但合作程度有待加强;3.其他学科尚未对农村体育领域有过多关注;4.该领域内的研究动力大多来源于国家战略方针。农村体育的公共服务管理、体旅融合为代表的新兴体育产业、乡村节庆助力民族传统体育传承和发扬和学校体育助力建设美好乡村是当前该领域研究热点。 The main purpose of this study is to reveal the trends and intrinsic laws of rural sports development through a systematic review of the academic history within the field of rural sports research.It aims to provide references and insights to promote sustainable development of rural sports in the new era and to meet the growing aspirations for a better life among rural populations.The research employs bibliometric analysis methods,utilizing the knowledge mapping tool CiteSpace,to conduct a quantitative analysis and comparative induction based on high-quality scholarly achievements from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)database.The study delves into the research trends and hotspots in rural sports from multiple dimensions.The findings of the research indicate the following:1.In recent years,there has been a rich harvest of research outcomes in the field of rural sports within the country.2.A stable academic community has been formed in this field,yet there is room for improvement in terms of collaboration.3.Other disciplines have not yet paid significant attention to the field of rural sports.4.The impetus for research within this field is predominantly derived from national strategic guidelines.The public service management of rural sports,the emerging sports industry represented by the integration of sports and tourism,the role of rural festivals in promoting the inheritance and development of ethnic traditional sports,and the contribution of school sports to the construction of a beautiful countryside are identified as current research hotspots in this field.
作者 朱治丞 黄涵丽 夏成前 ZHU Zhi-cheng;HUANG Han-li;XIA Cheng-qian(Research Center of Sports Policy and Public Service,Nantong University,Nantong 226019,China;Nantong TianJiaBing Junior High School,Nantong 226019,China;Sports Policy and Public Service Research Center,Nantong University,Nantong 226019,China)
出处 《吉林体育学院学报》 2024年第2期49-57,共9页 Journal of Jilin Sport University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(项目编号:18BTY108)。
关键词 农村体育 文献计量学 知识图谱 研究现状 研究热点 rural sports Bibliometrics knowledge graph research status research hotspots
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