

Study on the overseas market expansion of Chinese local specialties foods:a case of Huainan beef soup
摘要 饮食及饮食文化体现着一个国家国民的文化素养和文明程度。在中国文化走出去的过程中,饮食文化的对外传播,更能贴近国外受众的需求心理和审美感受,从而更好地促进中国与世界各国之间的文化互动和融通,促进地方经济产业结构的升级与国际化进程。淮南牛肉汤作为安徽省有名的特色小吃,在苏豫鲁皖沪一带已经家喻户晓并开始像广西的柳州螺蛳粉一样以真空包装的形式走向全国,但其国际化品牌建设无法满足对外传播中的国际市场份额的占有,尤其是对外传播中的品牌形象和传播话语未能进入到系统化的建设和研究。研究立足于淮南牛肉汤的国内外市场销售现状,从外销产品外包装形式到译语话语等角度着力探讨中国地方特色美食海外传播中的品牌建设策略。 Diet and culinary culture reflect the cultural literacy and level of civilization of a country's citizens.In the process of Chinese culture going global,the external dissemination of food culture can better cater to the needs and aesthetic feelings of foreign audiences,thereby promoting cultural interaction and integration between China and countries around the world,and promoting the upgrading and internationalization of local economic and industrial structures.Huainan beef soup,a famous specialty snack in Anhui Province,has become a household name in Jiangsu,Henan,Shandong,Anhui,and Shanghai,and has begun to go to the country in vacuum packaging like Liuzhou Luosifen in Guangxi.However,its international brand construction cannot meet the international market share in external communication,especially the brand image and communication discourse in external communication cannot enter the systematic construction and research.This study was based on the sales status of Huainan beef soup in both domestic and international markets,and focused on exploring brand-building strategies for the overseas dissemination of Chinese local specialty cuisine from the perspectives of packaging forms of export products to target language discourse.
作者 熊欣 孙楚乔 Xiong Xin;Sun Chuqiao(Huainan Normal University,Huainan,Anhui 232038;School of Foreign Studies,Guangxi University of Science and Technology,Liuzhou,Guangxi 545006;International Department of Hefei 168 High School,Hefei,Anhui 230011)
出处 《粮食科技与经济》 2024年第2期48-53,共6页 Food Science And Technology And Economy
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金项目(16BXW052) 广西区学位委员会、区教育厅2023年学位与研究生教育改革课题(JGY2023271)。
关键词 淮南牛肉汤 海外市场拓展 外包设计 译语话语 品牌建设 Huainan beef soup overseas market expansion the design of outer packaging discourse system in translation brand building
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