

Commentary on the Decision Issued by the Supreme Court of the Philippines on the Constitutionality of JMSU
摘要 菲律宾最高法院关于《南海协议区三方联合海洋地震工作协议》一案的判决由程序和实体部分组成。菲律宾最高法院在处理程序问题时,有意降低违宪审查的启动标准,有明显有利于原告起诉的倾向,表现出要受理本案的强烈愿望。相比于程序问题的判决中存在不少争议,实体问题的判决中争议较少。焦点集中于“三方协议”是否涉及1987年《菲律宾宪法》所规定的“勘探石油资源”。该问题在以往的判例中并未出现。菲律宾最高法院通过本案进一步阐明了“勘探”的内涵,即以探寻石油资源为目的所进行的活动(其中包括“三方协议”所规定的活动),其独立于开发和利用油气资源。本案判决具有三个方面的影响。首先,菲律宾对自然资源强烈的控制欲排斥共同开发。其次,菲律宾可能只接受其主导下的油气开发。最后,菲律宾总统缔约权受限不利于中菲处理南海问题。 The decision issued by the Supreme Court of the Philippines on the constitutionality of JMSU consists of procedural issues and merits.With regard to the procedural issues,the Supreme Court deliberately lowers the threshold of initiating constitutional review which is in favor of petitioners'application and demonstrating the Supreme Court's strong desire for taking cognizance of this case.Contrary to the decision on procedural issues,there is less controversy over the merits.The main issue in merits is concentrated on whether JMSU is involving“exploration of petroleum resources”under the Philippines'Constitution which is matter had not been dealt with by the Supreme Court in precedents.In this case,the Supreme Court further clarifies the connotations of“exploration”which are the activities aim at searching and finding petroleum resources,involving activities provided by JMSU,and independent from development and utilization of petroleum resources.The decision on this case would generate impacts in the following three aspects.Firstly,Philippines'strong desire for controlling natural resources will exclude the joint development.Secondly,Philippines would only likely to accept the exploration,development and utilization of petroleum resources under its domination.Thirdly,the limits on the Philippine President's prerogative in concluding international agreements are unhelpful to resolve the South China Sea disputes between China and the Philippines.
作者 董世杰 周涵鑫 Dong Shijie;Zhou Hanxin
机构地区 厦门大学法学院
出处 《国际经济法学刊》 2024年第2期35-47,共13页 Journal of International Economic Law
关键词 《南海协议区三方联合海洋地震工作协议》 菲律宾最高法院 违宪审查 JMSU the Supreme Court of the Philippines Constitutional Review
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