

The Interpretaion and Application of Art.192 of UNCLOS in Addressing the Adverse Effect Caused by Climate Change
摘要 在国际海洋法法庭的咨询意见程序中,小岛屿国家希望通过国际海洋法中海洋环境保护规则的解释和发展推动其他国家承担更多具体的气候变化减排义务。其焦点在于《联合国海洋法公约》第十二部分项下海洋环境保护义务在多大程度和范围内为气候变化的减缓和适应义务提供具体履行评价标准。《公约》第192条规定了保护和保全海洋环境一般性义务,并可以通过与其他国际法义务的系统解释为气候变化导致的海洋环境保护和保全义务及其履行标准提供参考。但是,《公约》第192条的解释和适用必须考虑气候变化导致的海洋环境有害影响的特殊性,必须以气候变化法律体系所设定的义务为限度,考虑国家各自的能力和发展需求,促进《公约》与全球气候变化法律体系的协同治理。 In the advisory proceeding before ITLOS,COSIS request the Tribunal to deliver an opinion on the obligations under the UNCLOS in addressing the adverse effect to the marine environment caused by climate change.The key question relies on the extent of the marine environment protection and preservation obligation under Part XII of the UNCLOS as well as the standard for this due diligence obligation.This paper argues that the inclusiveness of the general obligation under Art.192 makes it applicable in protecting and preserving marine environment from climate change and its adverse effect.Meanwhile,the interpretation and application of Art.192 shall be limited to the extent that it is compatible with the provisions of the UNFCCC regime,and shall not pose any obligations of taking mitigation and adaptation meansure beyond that regime.Thus,Art.192 requests States Parties to mitigate GHGs emission,as well as take positive measures to protect marine environment,enhance marine ecosystem resilience and recover the ecosystem.For the criteria of the due diligence obligation,the States capacity should be fully considered as one of the most important factors.In this case,the convergent relationship of UNCLOS and the UNFCCC regime will promote the good governance on ocean-climate issues.
作者 雷筱璐 LEI Xiaolu(Wuhan Univesity)
出处 《边界与海洋研究》 2024年第3期39-57,共19页 Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“国际法视角下海洋环境协同保护与气候变化规则发展路径研究”(23BFX157)的阶段性成果。
关键词 《联合国海洋法公约》 气候变化 海洋环境保护 勤勉义务 协同治理 UNCLOS Climate Change Marine Environment Protection DueDiligence Convergence
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