
云南省不同碘营养水平地区孕妇甲状腺功能调查 被引量:1

Investigation on thyroid function of pregnant women in areas with different iodine nutrition levels in Yunnan Province
摘要 目的 了解云南省不同尿碘水平地区(尿碘中位数:100~149、150~250μg/L)孕妇的甲状腺功能状态,为建立适用于我国孕妇的碘营养评价标准提供科学依据。方法 采用横断面研究方法,2021年6—12月在昭通市镇雄县、红河州建水县,每县在城区和农村分别选择1个调查点开展调查,每个调查点调查至少100名孕妇。采集调查对象尿样、空腹血样,检测尿碘、甲状腺功能;开展甲状腺B超检查,检测甲状腺容积、结节。结果 共调查403名孕妇,建水县、镇雄县尿碘中位数分别为154.66(n=206)、117.67μg/L(n=197),尿碘水平差异有统计学意义(Z=-4.918、P<0.05);按孕期分组,对建水县、镇雄县的甲状腺功能(TSH、TT3、TT4、FT3、FT4)水平进行比较,除孕早期两地的FT4(建水县、镇雄县中位数分别为18.94、17.10 pmol/L)差异有统计学意义外(Z=-2.018,P<0.05),其他指标均无统计学差异。对两县的甲减、甲亢、亚甲减、亚甲亢、低FT4血症检出率进行统计,建水县检出率分别为:0、0.49%、1.46%、2.91%、3.40%,镇雄县检出率分别为:1.02%、2.03%、4.57%、2.03%、4.06%。甲状腺功能总异常率建水县为8.25%、镇雄县为13.71%,差异无统计学意义(χ^(2)=3.079,P>0.05)。甲状腺结节检出率分别为14.56%、12.18%,差异无统计学意义(χ^(2)=0.492,P>0.05);甲状腺肿大率分别为0、0.51%,处于较低水平。结论 本次调查结果显示,云南省尿碘中位数在100~149和150~250μg/L的两个地区孕妇的甲状腺功能不存在差异,下一步还需扩大样本量开展有关研究,探索适用于我国孕妇群体的尿碘中位数标准。 Objective To understand the thyroid function status of pregnant women in areas with different urinary iodine levels(median urinary iodine:100-149,150-250μg/L)in Yunnan Province,so as to provide scientific basis for establishing iodine nutrition evaluation standards applicable to pregnant women in China.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in Zhenxiong County of Zhaotong City and Jianshui County of Honghe Region from June to December 2021.Each county selected one survey point in urban and rural areas respectively,and at least 100 pregnant women were surveyed at each survey point.The urine samples and fasting blood samples of the subjects were collected to detect the urine iodine and thyroid function.Thyroid Bultrasound examination was carried out to detect thyroid volume and nodules.Results A total of 403 pregnant women were investigated.The median urinary iodine in Jianshui County and Zhenxiong County was 154.66(n=206),117.67μg/L(n=197),respectively,the difference of urinary iodine level was statistically significant(Z=-4.918,P<0.05).The thyroid function(TSH,TT,,TT4,FT,FT)levels in Jianshui and Zhenxiong counties were compared according to the pregnancy stage.Except for the difference of FT4(median:18.94 and 17.10 pmol/L in Jianshui and Zhenxiong counties respectively)in the early pregnancy stage(Z=-2.018,P<0.05),there was no statistical difference in other indicators.The detection rates of hypothyroidism,hyperthyroidism,sub-hypothyroidism,sub-hyperthyroidism and low FT4 in the two counties were statistically analyzed.The detection rates in Jianshui County were 0,0.49%,1.46%,2.91%and 3.40%respectively,and those in Zhenxiong County were 1.02%,2.03%,4.57%,2.03%and 4.06%respectively.The total abnormal rate of thyroid function was 8.25%in Jianshui County and 13.71%in Zhenxiong County,with no statistical difference(χ^(2)=3.079,P>0.05).The detection rate of thyroid nodules was 14.56%and 12.18%respectively,with no statistical difference(x=0.492,P>0.05).The goiter rate was 0 and 0.51%respectively,which was at a low level.Conclusion The results of this survey showed that there was no difference in thyroid function of pregnant women between the two regions of median urinary iodine(between 100-149 and 150-250μg/L).It is suggested to expand the sample size and strengthen relevant research and explore the standard of median urinary iodine applicable to pregnant women in China.
作者 张海涛 郭玉熹 李淑娟 董旭 吴鹤松 赵应琼 安心 谭超伟 管家康 ZHANG Haitao;GUO Yuxi;LI Shujuan;DONG Xu;WU Hesong;ZHAO Yingqiong;AN Xin;TAN Chaowei;GUAN Jiakang(Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention,Dali,Yunnan 671000,China;不详)
出处 《中国地方病防治》 CAS 2024年第3期181-184,共4页 Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases
关键词 孕妇 尿碘 碘营养 甲状腺功能 Pregnant women Urine iodine Iodine nutrition Thyroid function
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