

"Hermit"and"Arrogant Official"on the Tang Poetry Road in Eastern Zhejiang:A Comparative Analysis of the Poetry of Meng Haoran and Liu Changqing
摘要 孟浩然与刘长卿在浙东留下了丰富多样的作品。孟浩然在客居浙东期间延续了早期创作所呈现的“高士”形象,刘长卿的“傲吏”意识则强化了他与时人的疏离感。二人同样都是舟行浙东,诗作中指代舟船用品的词汇频现,相较而言,处于唐前期的孟浩然能够纯粹地寄情山水,经历时局大变动的刘长卿则表现出对国运和个体命运的强烈关注。就浙东的交游而言,孟浩然集中在与个别友人的交往上,刘长卿作为地方官诗人的代表交游更为广泛。孟浩然的浙东诗作频繁引用佛语,而刘长卿与浙东的诗僧有直接的交往唱和。文章尝试从两位诗人流寓浙东的相同经历出发,辨明他们的相关作品所呈现的风貌异同。 Meng Haoran and Liu Changqing left a rich and diverse body of work in eastern Zhejiang.During his stay in eastern Zhejiang,Meng Haoran continued to embody the image of"hermit"that he presented in his earlier works,while Liu Changqing's consciousness of being an"arrogant official"intensified his sense of alienation from his contemporaries.Both of them were traveling by boat in eastern Zhejiang,and vocabulary referring to boat supplies frequently appeared in their poetry.In contrast,Meng Haoran,who was in the early Tang Dynasty,was able to purely express his emotions towards the landscape,while Liu Changqing,who had experienced significant changes in the political situation,showed a strong concern for national fortune and individual destiny.In terms of social interactions in Zhejiang,Meng Haoran focused on individual friendships,while Liu Changqing,as a representative poet-official,had a wider range of social interactions.The poetry of Meng Haoran in Zhejiang frequently quotes Buddhist language,while Liu Changqing had direct interactions and exchanges with the Buddhist monks in Zhejiang.This paper attempts to explore the similarities and differences in the literary styles presented in the works of these two poets based on their shared experiences of living in Zhejiang.
作者 余永林 YU Yonglin(Zhejiang Shuren University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310015,China)
机构地区 浙江树人学院
出处 《浙江树人学院学报》 2024年第3期85-95,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University
关键词 孟浩然 刘长卿 高士 傲吏 Meng Haoran Liu Changqing hermit arrogant official
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