

Investigation on the Current Status of Licensed Pharmacists′Participation in Continuing Education(Professional Subjects)Training of Social Pharmacies in Anhui
摘要 目的提升社会药房执业药师的继续教育水平。方法采用随机抽样法抽取安徽省13个地级市市区、县域及乡镇药店(社会药房)的800名执业药师为研究对象,通过钉钉App定向推送自制调查问卷,汇总问卷数据,分析执业药师对继续教育(专业科目)培训内容、形式等方面的需求。结果共发放问卷800份,回收有效问卷685份,有效回收率为85.62%。受访者中,年龄>30岁(642人,93.72%),大专及以下学历(411人,60.00%),近3年参加过继续教育(682人,99.56%)的执业药师较多。受访者对希望提高的能力、调动参培积极性的有效方式、师资选择、教学方法、培训内容等项目选择率最高的分别为药学服务能力(625人,91.24%),增强时效性(554人,80.88%),一线专业技术人员(558人,81.46%),案例引导式(495人,72.26%),常见病症诊疗指南(579人,84.53%);较希望在继续教育中获得呼吸系统常见病的临床诊疗知识(624人,91.09%)及用药指导方面的药学知识(614人,89.64%)。受访者选择网络授课的比例高于面授(58.83%比15.18%),650人(94.89%)支持分类(生产、经营、使用)开设继续教育课程。结论当前,国内执业药师继续教育(专业科目)项目开展中存在配套政策更新不及时,网络学习有不足,教学形式及师资设置欠灵活等问题,建议制订继续教育相关课程标准,明确课程类型、开展形式、内容及需达到的教育效果,对不同专业背景、工作岗位的执业药师采取分类教学模式开展继续教育;注重药学实践能力的培养,采用情景互动、案例分享等教学形式,从而提高执业药师沟通交流和应对突发问题的能力。 Objective To promote the continuing education of licensed pharmacists in social pharmacies.Methods A total of 800 licensed pharmacists from the urban,county and township pharmacies(social pharmacies)of 13 prefecture-level cities in Anhui were randomly selected as the research subjects,the self-made survey questionnaires were distributed and collected by the Ding Talk,the licensed pharmacists′needs for content and format of continuing education(professional subjects)training were analyzed.Results A total of 800 questionnaires were distributed,and 685 were effectively collected,with an effective recovery rate of 85.62%.Among the respondents,there were more licensed pharmacists over 30 years(642 ones,93.72%),with a college degree or below(411 ones,60.00%),and participating in continuing education in the past three years(682 ones,99.56%).More respondents chose the pharmaceutical care ability(625 ones,91.24%),increasing timeliness(554 ones,80.88%),frontline professional and technical personnel(558 ones,81.46%),case-based teaching(495 ones,72.26%),diagnosis and treatment guidelines of common diseases(579 ones,84.53%)in terms of the ability hoped to improve,effective way to mobilize participation in training,selection of teachers,teaching methods and training content.The respondents preferred to acquire the clinical diagnosis and treatment knowledge of common respiratory diseases(624 ones,91.09%)and pharmaceutical knowledge of medication guidance(614 ones,89.64%)through continuing education.The proportion of respondents choosing online teaching was higher than that of face-to-face teaching(58.83 vs.15.18%),and 650 respondents(94.89%)supported the setting of continuing education courses based on classification(production/operation/use).Conclusion Currently,there are problems in the development of continuing education(professional subjects)for licensed pharmacists in China,such as untimely update of supporting policies,insufficient online learning,inflexible teaching format and teacher settings.It is suggested that we should formulate the curriculum standards related to continuing education,clarify the curriculum types,development format,curriculum content and educational outcomes to be achieved,adopt a classified teaching mode for licensed pharmacists with different professional backgrounds and job positions to carry out continuing education,emphasize the cultivation of practical pharmaceutical skills,adopt the teaching methods such as situational interaction and case sharing to improve the licensed pharmacists′abilities on the communication and response to unexpected problems.
作者 周宏 ZHOU Hong(Anhui Guosheng Pharmacy Chain Co.,Ltd.,Hefei,Anhui,China 230051)
出处 《中国药业》 CAS 2024年第14期34-38,共5页 China Pharmaceuticals
关键词 执业药师 继续教育 社会药房 安徽省 案例教学 药学服务 licensed pharmacist continuing education social pharmacy Anhui case-based teaching pharmaceutical care
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