

A Contrastive Study of Annotation in Three Chinese Versions of Literature and Revolution:A Paratextual Perspective
摘要 从副文本的视角出发,对列夫·托洛茨基革命文艺理论著作《文学与革命》三个中译本(韦素园、李霁野译本,王凡西译本和刘文飞等译本)的注释进行对比研究,期望揭示各译本注释的特点及其背后隐含的翻译策略和翻译观。研究结果表明:作为翻译副文本的重要内容,三个译本的注释都起到了消除语义模糊、弥补文化缺省和填补语境空白的作用。王凡西译本注释突出了知识普及和文化传播的功能,折射出以译本接受为中心的读者友好型翻译观;刘文飞等译本注释则突出了信息提示和引导的功能,折射出以阅读体验为中心的读者主导型翻译观;韦素园、李霁野译本则由于时代背景的限制注释数量较少、质量不高,但也反映了译者为读者理解接受原文而付出的主观努力。 Drawing on three Chinese versions(Wei Suyuan and Li Jiye version,Wang Fanxi version and Liu Wenfei version)of Leon Trotsky’s Literature and Revolution,this article makes a classified comparison of the annotations in these versions and a comparative analysis of the typical annotations in them,in order to reveal the characteristics of these annotations and translation strategies and views behind them.The study shows that as an important part of the translation paratext,the annotations in these three Chinese versions serve to eliminate semantic ambiguity,make up cultural defaults,and fill in contextual gaps.The annotations in Wang’s version focus on knowledge dissemination and enlightenment,reflecting a reader-friendly translation view centered on the acceptance of the translation.The annotations in Liu’s version focus on instruction and guidance,reflecting a reader-oriented translation view centered on smooth reading.Wei’s and Li’s annotations are limited by the time,with a small quantity and low quality,but they also reflect the translators’effort to allow readers a full understanding and acceptance of the original text.
作者 刘虎 LIU Hu(School of Foreign Studies,West Anhui University,Lu’an)
出处 《译苑新谭》 2024年第1期154-162,共9页 New Perspectives in Translation Studies
基金 2021年度安徽省社会科学创新发展研究课题攻关项目“皖西未名四杰的革命文学翻译研究”(项目编号:2021CX527)的部分研究成果。
关键词 《文学与革命》 中译本 注释 对比研究 副文本 Literature and Revolution Chinese version annotation contrastive study paratext
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