

Accelerate the Formation of a Talent-driven Strategy for New Quality Productive Forces
摘要 人才是新质生产力形成的主体性、决定性因素。在生产要素体系中,作为从事高层次、高难度、复杂性、创新性劳动的人才对新质生产力的形成更具推动作用。人才发展体系基于“主体-空间-要素”三维逻辑,通过国家人才政策与市场人才机制指引新质生产力的发展方向,以全球人才市场的开放自由流动保障新质生产力的发展场域,借助资本-科技-教育多向度培育人才,赋能新质生产力的形成。但我国人才发展存在人才供给结构难以满足产业深度转型的发展需求,单向度的人才效能发挥难以促进技术革命性突破,人才制度的静态固化阻碍生产要素的创新性配置,人才流动“虹吸效应”阻碍生产格局的优化组合等阻碍新质生产力形成的困局。必须坚持“四个面向”的人才工作导向,指引新质生产力的发展方向;推进“人才本位”的体制机制改革,释放新质生产力的人才效能;深化“高精尖缺”战略人才引领发展,夯实新质生产力的核心力量;建构“引育用留”全过程人才管理体系,激发新质生产力的创新活力;优化“纵横贯通”的人才自由流动体系,构筑新质生产力的良性循环。全方位优化人才发展体系,通过人才引领加快驱动新质生产力的形成。 Talent is the main and decisive factor in the formation of new quality productive forces.In the system of factors of production,talents who can engage in high-level,difficult,complex and innovative labor play a driving role in the formation of new quality productive forces.Based on the three-dimensional logic of“subject-space-element”,the talent development system guides the development direction of new quality productive forces through the national talent policy and market talent mechanism,guarantees the development field of new quality productive forces with the open and free flow of the global talent market,cultivates talents with the help of capital,science and technology,and education,and empowers the formation of new quality productive forces.However,there are difficulties in China’s talent development,such as the talent supply structure is difficult to meet the development needs of the deep transformation of the industry,the one-way talent efficiency is difficult to promote technological revolutionary breakthroughs,the static solidification of the talent system hinders the innovative allocation of production factors,and the“siphon effect”of talent flow hinders the optimal combination of production patterns.We must adhere to the“four aspects”of talent work orientation and guide the development direction of new quality productive forces,promote the reform of the“talent-oriented”system and mechanism,and release the talent efficiency of new quality productive forces,deepen the development of“high-precision and cutting-edge talents”strategic talents,consolidate the core strength of new quality productive forces,construct a talent management system for the whole process of“introduction,education,use and retention”to stimulate the innovation vitality of new quality productive forces,optimize the“vertical and horizontal”talent free flow system,build a virtuous circle of new quality productive forces,optimize the talent development system in an all-round way,and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces driven by talents.
作者 吴江 冯定国 Wu Jiang;Feng Dingguo(Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 611756,China)
机构地区 西南交通大学
出处 《当代经济管理》 北大核心 2024年第9期20-28,共9页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 四川省社会科学重大项目“四川建设人才高地的策略与举措研究”(SC22ZDYC11) 贵州省教育厅高校人文社会科学研究项目“中国优秀传统政治思想助推国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的理论和实践研究”。
关键词 人才 人才政策 新质生产力 talent talent policy new quality productive forces
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