

The Theoretical Reflection and Path Reconstruction of Ideological and Political Courses Teachers Subjectivity in the Age of Mathematical Intelligence
摘要 发挥思政课教师主体性是落实高校思政课立德树人根本任务的关键。由于思政课本身的特殊作用和关键地位,思政课教师主体性包含“教师主体性”这一概念的同时具备特有内容。思政课教师主体性主要包括目的性、主导性、主动性、积极性、创造性5个方面,并均具有丰富内涵。然而,结合数智时代的现实科技图景,人工智能、虚拟实践等技术的快速发展为教师教研创新提供驱动力的同时,也对实现思政课教师主体性的5个方面造成了掣肘与侵蚀。在智能化时代,思政课教师亟须通过灵活实现知行合一课程形式、研究把握受教育者发展背景、整体建构思政话语自主体系、辩证看待人技间对象性关系、立体培养思政课教师综合素养等,重构思政课教师主体性的实现路径,使科技发展真正转化为促进思政课提质增效的积极力量。 Giving full play to the subjectivity of teachers in ideological and political courses is the key to implementing the fundamental task of moral education in ideological and political courses in colleges and universities.Due to the special role and key position of the ideological and political course itself,the teacher subjectivity of the ideological and political course includes the concept of"teacher subjectivity"and has unique content.The subjectivity of ideological and political teachers mainly includes five aspects:purpose,dominance,initiative,enthusiasm and creativity,and all of them have rich connotations.However,combined with the reality of science and technology in the era of digital intelligence,the rapid development of artificial intelligence,virtual practice and other technologies provides a driving force for teachers'teaching and research innovation,but also causes constraints and erosion on the five aspects of realizing the subjectivity of ideological and political teachers.In the era of intelligence,ideological and political teachers urgently need to flexibly realize the curriculum form of the unity of knowledge and action,study and grasp the development background of the educated,construct the independent system of ideological and political discourse as a whole,dialectically view the objective relationship between human and technology,and cultivate the comprehensive quality of ideological and political teachers in a three-dimensional way,so as to re-conceive the realization path of the subjectivity of political teachers,in order to make the development of science and technology truly transform into a positive force to promote the quality and efficiency of ideological and political courses.
作者 葛通 刘洋 GE Tong;LIU Yang(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China)
机构地区 上海财经大学
出处 《现代教育科学》 2024年第4期58-64,79,共8页 Modern Education Science
基金 上海市教育科学研究项目“以智慧思政平台创新高校思想政治理论课信息化改革研究”(项目编号:2023ZSS012)。
关键词 教师主体性 数智时代 思想政治理论课 思政话语自主体系 the subjectivity of ideological and political teachers the age of mathematical intelligence ideological and political theory course ideological discourse autonomy system
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