

A Preliminary Study on the Open Linking Path of Bibliographic Data of the National Library of China in the Context of Smart Library
摘要 书目数据开放化和关联化是为智慧图书馆提供信息支撑的必由之路。作为面向网络环境的新型关联数据框架,BIBFRAME具有数据全方位关联、客制化潜力大、实践经验丰富、数据重用便捷等优势。中国国家图书馆可遵循构建本体、搭建系统、培训测试的步骤,实现书目数据的开放关联化。构建本体方面可以BIBFRAME为蓝本,通过重用BIBFRAME等已有本体,并按照自身需求进行扩展,构建本地书目本体NLCBF,建立MARC数据与NLCBF之间的映射关系,实现历史数据的转换。在搭建系统方面,以关联数据环境下编目需求为出发点,开发NLCBF书目数据编辑器,实现其与智慧图书馆系统的融合与联动。在培训测试方面,以循序渐进为原则,由点及面,逐步覆盖全部编目一线人员,同时以滚动更新的方式对NLCBF和系统进行优化,直至最终满足正式运行的要求。 Openness and connection of bibliographic data is a necessary way to provide information support for smart libraries.As a new linked data framework for the network environment,BIBFRAME has the advantages of all-round data linkage,high potential for customization,rich practical experience and convenient data reuse.The National Library of China can realize the open linking of its bibliographic data by ontology construction,system building as well as training and testing.In terms of ontology construction,BIBFRAME can be used as a blueprint.By reusing the existing vocabularies such as BIBFRAME and expanding them according to its own needs,a local and customized bibliographic ontology NLCBF will be built.The conversion of existing data can be realized by mapping MARC data to NLCBF.In terms of system building,taking the cataloging needs in the linked data environment as the starting point,the NLCBF bibliographic data editor is to be developed to realize its integration with the smart library system.In terms of training and testing,NLCBF and the system are optimized in a iterative manner until they finally meet the requirements of official operation,based on the principle of gradual and orderly progress and gradually covering all the first-line cataloging personnel.
作者 杨恩毅 Yang Enyi
机构地区 国家图书馆
出处 《山东图书馆学刊》 2024年第3期64-71,共8页 The Library Journal of Shandong
基金 国家图书馆馆级科研项目“智慧图书馆视域下国家图书馆书目数据开放和关联化方案研究”(项目编号:NLC-KY-2023-09)研究成果之一。
关键词 书目数据 BIBFRAME NLCBF 智慧图书馆 Bibliographic data BIBFRAME NLCBF Smart library
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