

Developing New Quality Education:New Directions for the Digital Transformation of Basic Education
摘要 新质生产力的发展催生了对新质人才的迫切需求,要求基础教育通过创新性提升实现对具备新质素养后备人才的培养。新质素养涵盖持久学习兴趣与数智增强的学习力、共同主体性与协同创造技能、人文素养与科技伦理融合力、探究志趣与跨学科学习力、创想思维与未来适应技能、全球视野与跨文化理解力等六大要素,呈现出进阶式发展的特点。面向新质素养培育,应突出以人为本、创新驱动、科技融合、全球视野和道德指引的价值取向发展新质教育,在教育理念上彰显优质公平与可持续性,在教育目标上聚焦全人发展与社会责任,在教学方略上遵循学为中心与能力本位,在学习内容上强调跨学科与多样性,在学习评价上坚持综合性与多元化,在教育技术上注重融合性与数智化,在教育服务上凸显个性化与适应性,进而构建有助于新质素养发展、教育主体重塑、融创策略创新、数智技术赋能和敏捷创变发生的教育综合体系。在数智化转型赋能新质教育的实践中,应当以跨界融合为作用点,通过融创教育激发原始创新;以需求牵引为实践线,采用设计思维驱动的教学设计;以虚实映射为平行面,建设数字孪生支持的混合式环境;以跨域互联为生态体,促进基于CPSS架构的个性化学习。 The development of new quality productive forces has given rise to an urgent need for new quality talents,which requires basic education to realize the cultivation of reserve talents with new quality literacy through the innovative upgrading of the education system.New quality literacy consists of six key elements:sustained learning interest and digitally-augmented learning capabilities,shared subjectivity and collaborative creativity,humanistic literacy and integration of ethics in science and technology,inquiry disposition and interdisciplinary learning abilities,innovative thinking and future adaptability,as well as global perspectives and cross-cultural understanding.These elements demonstrate a trajectory of progressive development.In order to cultivate new quality literacy,it is essential to be people-oriented and innovation-driven,and focus on technological integration,global vision and ethical guidance in the development of new quality education.Specifically,at the level of educational philosophy,high quality,fairness and sustainability should be emphasized;at the level of educational objectives,the focus should be on promoting the holistic development of educated people and enhancing their sense of social responsibility;at the level of pedagogical strategies,the principles of student-centered and competence-based teaching should be strictly adhered to;in the process of constructing learning content,emphasis should be placed on interdisciplinary integration and exploring diversity;in the learning evaluation system,the principle of comprehensive and diversification should be upheld;and in the application of educational technology,special attention should be paid to the deep integration of technology in education and the promotion of digitalization and intelligence in education.This series of initiatives aims to build an integrated education system that contributes to the development of new quality literacy,reshaping the subjects of education,the innovation of convergence strategies,digital intelligence empowerment and the occurs of agile transformation.In the practice of empowering new quality education through digital and intelligent transformation,the following strategies are recommended.Firstly,original innovation should be stimulated through convergence education by promoting the cross-border fusion of core ideas such as knowledge and methodology.Secondly,to meet the actual needs,teaching design driven by design thinking should be adopted.Thirdly,by combining virtual and real mapping,a hybrid environment supported by digital twins should be built.Finally,with cross-domain interconnection as an ecosystem,personalized learning based on CPSS(Cyber-Physical-Social Convergence System)architecture should be promoted.
作者 祝智庭 李天宇 张屹 ZHU Zhiting;LI Tianyu;ZHANG Yi
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 北大核心 2024年第4期3-13,30,共12页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 2018年度国家社会科学基金重大项目“信息化促进新时代基础教育公平的研究”(18ZDA335) 2022年度国家自然科学基金面上项目“面向计算思维的中小学人工智能教育框架理论与实践研究”(72274076)。
关键词 基础教育 新质教育 新质素养 新质生产力 教育数智化转型 Basic Education New Quality Education New Quality Literacy New Quality Productive Forces Digital and Intelligent Transformation of Education
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