

Legal Mechanism for Marine Ecological Environment Protection in the East China Sea from the Perspective of Semi-enclosed Sea
摘要 根据《联合国海洋法公约》,东海海域具有明显的半闭海特征。近年来,随着东海沿岸的开发和工业化进程的深入,海洋污染程度逐渐加重,污染治理难度加大,生态系统破坏不断加剧。现有的海洋环境保护合作方式因其局限性,对于推动东海海洋环境保护效果有限。《联合国海洋法公约》等全球性公约以及半闭海区域的实践给东海区域性海洋环境保护法律机制的构建提供了法律基础和实践基础。在此背景下,应当从半闭海的视角和法律依据出发,在吸取其他半闭海区域海洋合作法律框架的经验教训基础上,通过条文构建的方式,确立半闭海概念在东海区域合作中的基础性作用,并探讨构建包括合作界限、合作方式、制度安排、争端解决等内容的东海区域性海洋环境保护法律机制。 The East China Sea has obvious semi-enclosed sea characteristics according to The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,and the geographical and ecological environment is extremely fragile.With the development and industrialization of the East China Sea coast,the degree of marine pollution has gradually increased,making it more difficult to control the pollution and intensifying the destruction of the ecosystem.The existing marine environmental protection cooperation methods,due to their limitations,have limited effect on promoting marine environmental protection in the East China Sea.Such global conventions as The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,as well as the practice of semi-enclosed areas,have provided a legal and practical basis for the construction of a regional legal mechanism for marine environmental protection in the East China Sea.In this context,this paper establishes the fundamental role of the concept of semi-enclosed sea in regional cooperation in the East China Sea from the perspective and legal basis of semi-enclosed sea,and discusses the construction of a regional legal mechanism for marine environmental protection in the East China Sea,including the boundaries of cooperation,modes of cooperation,institutional arrangements,and dispute settlement,based on the lessons learned from other legal frameworks for marine cooperation in semi-enclosed sea.
作者 郝会娟 姚绍韡 HAO Huijuan;YAO Shaowei(School of Law,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China;National Nanfa Research Institute(Sanya),CAAS,Sanya 572000,China)
出处 《集美大学学报(哲社版)》 2024年第3期49-56,共8页 Journal of Jimei University(Philosophy and Social) Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“中日韩岛屿和海洋权益争端解决机制研究”(20CGJ035)。
关键词 半闭海 区域海洋环境保护 法律框架 semi-enclosed sea regional marine environmental protection legal framework
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