
Beyond Tech:The Impact of Hybrid Classroom Climate on the Learning Outcomes of University Students

摘要 In the context of the highly demanding trend of equitable and quality education,digital technology has outlined a blueprint for sharing resources across spatial and temporal boundaries and learner differences.The hybrid classroom implemented on university campuses during the pandemic demonstrates the tremendous shaping power of digital technology on teaching and learning across different groups,time,and space.This study investigates two types of learners,Clone Classroom and Global Hybrid Classroom at Tsinghua University,and finds that intrapersonal,interpersonal,and institutional dimensions of classroom climate all significantly affect learners’learning outcomes.However,the influences at the three dimensions differ in degree,with interpersonal factors outweighing institutional factors and institutional factors outweighing individual factors.Furthermore,in individual factors,information literacy and tech-assisted support in institutional factors have the weakest impact on learning outcomes;institutional factors mediate individual and interpersonal factors influencing higher-order cognition development.To avoid the pitfalls of techno-centrism,this study suggests promoting an insight of technology for humanity and embedding technology into teaching to better empower teacher development and student learning experience.
机构地区 Institute of Education
出处 《Frontiers of Education in China》 2023年第3期288-309,共22页 中国高等学校学术文摘·教育学(英文)
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