

Estimation of Soil and Water Conservation Rates by Remote Sensing in Shanxi Province
摘要 [目的]水土保持是保护和改善生态环境的重要途径,是生态系统可持续发展的重要基础,而区域尺度水土保持成效研究可为水土保护工作提供有效的理论依据。[方法]基于遥感技术,采用修正的通用土壤流失方程(revised universal soil loss equation,RUSLE)构建区域尺度水土保持率遥感估算方法体系,并估算山西省土壤侵蚀空间格局。[结果]山西省水土流失等级以中度侵蚀为主,水土流失面积约49545.68 km^(2),2022年水土保持率为68.38%,水土保持率高的等级面积占比最大。自然植被水土保持率高于农田,其中,森林水土保持率最高,为84.37%,且在自然植被与农田类型中,水土保持率高的等级面积占比最大,分别为48.11%,46.46%。水土保持率受坡度影响较大,且随坡度的变化呈现先显著减少后平缓波动的趋势。通过与已有研究成果对比,估算得到的山西省水土流失空间格局及规律与现有水土流失数据基本一致,且水土保持率估算结果与公布的水土保持率目标值呈显著强相关。[结论]综上所述,区域尺度水土保持率遥感估算方法可为水土保持生态工程及其他国家重大生态工程的成效和效益评估提供重要的理论和方法依据。 [Objective]Soil and water conservation is important in protecting and improving the ecological environment,which plays an important role for the sustainable development of ecosystems.[Methods]While the study of the soil and water conservation effectiveness in regional scale provide an effective theoretical basis for soil and water conservation.[Results]We supposed an estimation method for the regional-scale soil and water conservation rates by remote sensing based on the RUSLE(revised universal soil loss equation),and estimated its the spatial pattern in Shanxi Province.The results showed that the soil erosion in Shanxi Province is dominated by moderate erosion,with an area of about 49545.68 km^(2),and the soil and water conservation rates is 68.38%in 2022,and the soil and water conservation rates accounted for the largest proportion in high level.The soil and water conservation rates of natural vegetation is higher than that of cropland,among which,the rates of forest is the highest at 84.37%.The soil and water conservation rates of the natural vegetation and cropland accounted for the largest proportion in high level with 48.11%and 46.46%,respectively.The rates is greatly affected by slopes,and showed a trend of significant decrease followed by gentle fluctuation.Compared with previous researches,the estimated spatial pattern of soil erosion in Shanxi Province were consistent with the existing data.And the estimated soil and water conservation rates was significantly correlated with the published targets.[Conclusion]The method of estimating soil and water conservation rates at the regional scale by remote sensing can provide an important theoretical and methodological basis for evaluating the effectiveness and impact of soil and water conservation ecological projects and other national large-scale ecological projects.
作者 贺冬梅 王锦志 高玉凤 高文文 李金峰 田佳莉 赵旦 HE Dongmei;WANG Jinzhi;GAO Yufeng;GAO Wenwen;LI Jinfeng;TIAN Jiali;ZHAO Dan(Forestry College of Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu,Shanxi 030801,China;Institute of Soil and Water Conservation Science,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taiyuan 030013,China;School of Hydro Science&Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;College of Mining Enginerring,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期72-82,共11页 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFF0703903) 山西省基础研究计划青年项目(202203021212273) 山西省水利科学技术研究项目(2023GM34) 山西省研究生实践创新项目(2023SJ128)。
关键词 水土保持率 遥感 山西省 区域尺度 soil and water conservation rates remote sensing Shanxi Province regional scale
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