
创新要素配置对绿色创新链升级的影响效应 被引量:2

The Effect of Innovation Factor Allocation on the Upgrading of Green Innovation Chain
摘要 基于2011-2020年中国内地30个省份面板数据,构建Tobit空间杜宾模型,实证检验创新要素配置对绿色创新链升级及溢出效应的影响。研究发现:(1)绿色创新链升级存在正向空间溢出效应,通过“学习效应”在邻近地区传导,促进周边地区绿色创新链升级,创新要素配置正向影响绿色创新链升级及溢出效应;(2)创新要素配置对绿色创新链升级及溢出效应的影响存在明显的区域异质性,在东部和西部地区创新要素配置对绿色创新链升级具有正向直接影响效应及溢出效应,在中部和东北地区创新要素配置对绿色创新链升级的直接影响效应为正,对溢出效应的影响为负;(3)市场化程度对创新要素配置影响绿色创新链升级发挥调节作用,即市场化程度越高,创新要素配置对绿色创新链升级的促进作用越显著。据此,提出推动创新要素高效合理配置、构建区域绿色创新协同机制、充分发挥市场环境支撑作用等建议,以助推各区域绿色创新链转型升级。 It is well-accepted that green innovation is the key driving force of low-carbon economic transformation,promotes the chain development of knowledge innovation activities guided by market demand,and provides solid support for Chinese-style modernization.With the continuous play of market functions in allocating resources and connecting innovation,the level of innovation factor allocation in China has been significantly improved,effectively promoting the rational flow and efficiency optimization of green innovation factors and the upgrading of the green innovation chain.However,there is a lack of research on the impact of innovation factor allocation on the upgrading of green innovation chains in the existing literature,and the relationship between the two is still vague.Using the panel data of 30 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities in China from 2011 to 2020,this paper constructs a spatial Tobit Dubin model to test the impact of innovation factor allocation on the upgrading and spillover effects of the green innovation chain.It selects green innovation chain upgrading as the dependent variable,and adopts the improved Super-SBM model to measure the upgrading level of the green innovation chain.The research draws the following conclusions.First,the upgrading of green innovation chains can be conducted in neighboring areas through the positive spatial spillover effect,promoting the upgrading of green innovation chains in surrounding areas.Second,innovation factor allocation has a significant positive impact on the upgrading of the green innovation chain and its spillover effect.This conclusion is still valid after a series of robustness tests.This indicates that innovation factor allocation is an important factor in promoting the upgrading of the green innovation chain.Third,there are significant regional differences in the impact of innovation factor allocation on the upgrading of green innovation chains and its spillover effects.In the eastern and western regions,the direct impact and spillover effect of innovation factor allocation on the upgrading of green innovation chains are both positive.In the central and northeastern regions,the direct impact of innovation factor allocation on the upgrading of green innovation chains is positive,while the impact on spillover effects is negative.Fourth,the influence of innovation factor allocation on the upgrading of the green innovation chain is moderated by the degree of marketization.The higher the degree of marketization,the stronger the role of innovation factor allocation in promoting the upgrading of the green innovation chain.Thus,in order to promote the high-quality upgrading of the green innovation chain,this paper puts forward corresponding suggestions,including promoting the efficient and reasonable allocation of innovation factors,building a regional green innovation synergy mechanism,and fully stimulating the supporting role of the market environment.Compared to existing literature,this paper focuses on the input-output process of green innovation chain upgrading,constructs an evaluation system for the level of green innovation chain upgrading,and adopts an improved Super-SBM model to measure the level of green innovation chain upgrading,which makes up for the deficiencies in the existing research.Then it constructs a spatial Tobit Durbin model to verify the impact of innovation factor allocation on the upgrading and spillover effects of green innovation chains,and expands the research on the driving factors of green innovation chain upgrading from the perspective of factor allocation.Third,it examines the regional heterogeneity impact of innovation factor allocation on the upgrading of green innovation chains,so as to provide a basis for deepening research on the upgrading and spillover effects of green innovation chains.Fourth,it takes the degree of marketization as the moderating variable,and reveals how the external environmental mechanism of innovation factor allocation affects the upgrading of the green innovation chain.Therefore,this study helps to further play the decisive role of the market in innovation factor allocation and promote the upgrading of green innovation chains.In addition,it provides theoretical support for activating the momentum of green innovation and promoting the national green innovation system and ecological civilization construction.
作者 刘晓辉 任群罗 Liu Xiaohui;Ren Qunluo(Faculty of Economics,Xinjiang University of Finance&Economics,Urumqi 830012,China;Department of Economic Management,Taiyuan Institute of Technology,Taiyuan 030008,China)
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第14期11-20,共10页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区研究生科研创新项目(XJ2022G212) 新疆财经大学研究生科研创新项目(XJUFE2021B002)。
关键词 创新要素配置 绿色创新链升级 市场化程度 Tobit空间杜宾模型 Innovation Factor Allocation Upgrading the Green Innovation Chain Marketization Degree Spatial Tobit Dubin Model
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