

How the Characteristic Livestock and Poultry Industry in Poverty-Alleviated Areas of Xinjiang Can be Sustainable Developed——Based on the Investigation of Professional and Technical Personnel in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary
摘要 【目的】探索新疆脱贫地区畜禽特色产业可持续发展的路径和方法。【方法】本研究采用问卷调查法,从畜牧兽医专技人员的视角,对新疆脱贫地区畜禽特色产业如何可持续发展进行研讨。【结果】研究发现,新疆脱贫地区畜牧兽医专技人员老龄化较为严重;畜牧产业脱贫项目后续运营状况不佳,农户养殖积极性不高,圈舍利用不足;基层合作社正规运营的少,且带动能力有限;龙头企业、合作社和农户之间利益联结不紧密;饲草短缺、技术落后、经营不善等问题制约了畜禽特色产业的可持续发展。【结论】应深化畜牧兽医体制改革,加强畜牧兽医专业队伍建设;保证产业脱贫项目运营,解决畜牧产业制约性难题;提高农户养殖积极性,保证养殖收益和圈舍充分利用;加强对合作社的监管,及时发现并清理空壳合作社,发挥合作社中介联结作用;优化企农利益联结机制,推动形成畜牧产业联合体。 【Objective】To find out the paths and methods of sustainable development of livestock and poultry speciality industries in poverty-alleviated areas of Xinjiang.【Methods】This study adopts the questionnaire survey method to examine how the livestock and poultry speciality industries in poverty-stricken areas of Xinjiang can be developed sustainably from the perspective of animal husbandry and veterinary profess and etchnical personnel.【Results】The study found that the aging of livestock and veterinary specialists in poverty-alleviated areas of Xinjiang is more serious;the follow-up operation of livestock industry poverty-alleviated projects is poor,farmers have low motivation for breeding,and pens are under-utilised;cooperatives operate less normally and have limited driving capacity;the interest linkage between leading enterprises,cooperatives and farmers is not close;and the problems of forage shortages,backward technology,and poor operation restrict the livestock and poultry speciality industry's sustainable development.【Conclusion】We should deepen the reform of animal husbandry and veterinary system,optimise the construction of animal husbandry and veterinary professional team;maintain the operation of industrial poverty alleviation project,solve the constraint problems of animal husbandry industry;improve the enthusiasm of farmers'breeding,ensure the breeding income and the use of enclosure;strengthen the cleaning up of shell cooperatives and play the role of intermediary linkage of cooperatives;optimise the mechanism of interest linkage between enterprises and farmers,and push forward to form the animal husbandry industry consortium.
作者 鲁云峰 马永仁 LU Yunfeng;MA Yongren(Institute of Animal Husbandry Economics and Information,Xinjiang Academy of Animal Husbandry Sciences,Urumqi 830011,China)
出处 《草食家畜》 2024年第3期60-66,共7页 Grass-Feeding Livestock
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区社科基金项目“巩固提升新疆脱贫地区畜禽特色产业的长效机制研究”(22CYJ009)。
关键词 脱贫地区 畜牧产业 可持续发展 畜牧兽医专技人员 poverty-alleviated areas animal husbandry industry profess and etchnical personnel animal husbandry and veterinary specialists
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