

Agricultural Economy of Late Yangshao and Early Longshan Periods in Central Plain:Archaeobotanical Evidence from the Shuanghuaishu Site
摘要 双槐树遗址位于河南省巩义市,是目前已知黄河中游仰韶文化晚期规模最大的具有都邑性质的中心聚落。为揭示该遗址农作物组成结构及其演变过程,同时探讨郑洛地区以双槐树遗址为中心的聚落群农业整体发展状况,本研究综合炭化植物遗存分析与^(14)C测年手段,对遗址2016至2017年度发掘采集的仰韶文化晚期至龙山文化早期浮选样品进行了深入研究。结果显示,浮选材料绝对年代在5290—4527 cal.BP之间。从遗址二期至五期,粟(Setaria italica)的绝对数量百分比和出土概率均稳定维持在较高水平,黍(Panicum miliaceum)的绝对数量百分比逐渐下降但出土概率持续上升,而水稻(Oryza sativa)不论是绝对数量还是出土概率一直处于较低水平。总体而言,以粟、黍为主的旱作农业是双槐树遗址二期至五期农业种植的主要形式,水稻在农业经济结构中的地位较低,同时,农业经济在生业经济中的地位已经确立。综合同时期其他遗址炭化植物遗存分析结果可知,在仰韶文化晚期,以双槐树遗址为中心的郑洛地区,聚落群的农业结构整体上属于典型北方旱作农业体系,同时少量种植水稻和大豆。从发展水平上看,农业已成为该地区先民主要的生产活动,在生业经济中占据主导地位,郑洛地区在仰韶晚期已进入农业社会。本文研究结果对了解中原腹地仰韶文化晚期至龙山文化早期的农业经济特征、演化及其在中华文明形成与早期发展过程中的作用等具有重要学术价值。 The Shuanghuaishu site is located in Gongyi City,Henan Province,which is the largest core settlement during the late Yangshao period in the middle Yellow River valley.And centered on this site,a giant settlement cluster formed in the Zhengluo area.In order to reveal the crop structure and its evolution at this site,as well as discuss the agricultural economic development status of the settlement cluster in Zhengluo area,archaeobotanical method and ^(14)C radiocarbon test were combined to analyze the flotation samples collected during the 2016-2017 excavation at the Shuanghuaishu site.The result of ^(14)C radiocarbon analysis showed that the age of this batch of samples was 5290-4527 cal.BP.A number of 16244 charred plant remains were recovered,and they have been identified as the Setaria italica,Panicum miliaceum,Oryza sativa,wild grass seeds,fruits and nuts.The result of charred plant remains analysis indicated that agricultural society has formed in the Zhengluo area in the late Yangshao period.Setaria italica was the principal crop but Panicum miliaceum,Oryza sativa and Glycine max cultivation always existed although their proportion was low during 5290-4527 cal.BP.This condition did not change significantly during the whole period of the site and the dryland crops were the economic basis for the social development at that time.This research is significant for understanding the characteristics of agricultural economy in the hinterland of the Central Plain during the late Yangshao and early Longshan periods as well as the role of agriculture in the formation and early development process of Chinese civilization.
作者 杨苗苗 杨玉璋 顾万发 崔启龙 张居中 YANG Miaomiao;YANG Yuzhang;GU Wanfa;CUI Qilong;ZHANG Juzhong(Department for the History of Science and Scientific Archaeology,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026;School of Management,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026;Institute for Cultural Heritage and History of Science&Technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083;Zhengzhou Municipal Cultural Heritage Administration,Zhengzhou 450007;Shaanxi Academy ofArchaeology,Xi'an 710109)
出处 《中国农史》 北大核心 2024年第3期48-58,共11页 Agricultural History of China
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“2013—2018年度河南巩义双槐树遗址考古资料整理与综合研究”(19ZDA227)。
关键词 双槐树遗址 炭化植物遗存 郑洛地区聚落群 农业经济 作物结构 Shuanghuaishu Site charred plant remains settlement cluster in Zhengluo area agricultural economy crop structure
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