

Dynamic Analysis and Driving Parameter Matching of Spatial Parallel Robots
摘要 Delta并联机器人是先进制造领域的关键装备,但其杆件机构在高节拍运行下动力学问题较为突出,很大程度上影响了机器人系统运行稳定性和作业精度.针对研发的空间三自由度Delta并联机器人,建立其连杆机构有限元模型,并引入到多体动力学模型中,构建具有刚柔耦合结构的虚拟样机.将基于修正梯形加速度曲线规律的轨迹代入模型进行求解,获取机器人系统动态响应及末端残余振动.仿真分析发现,连杆机构弹性因素所引起动平台的振动沿动平台水平运行方向最为明显;在运行节拍距离和时间相同的情况下,动平台的运行方向会影响连杆弹性振动带来的位置误差.利用激光跟踪仪测量机器人在不同轨迹运行后的残余振动情况,通过比较验证运行方向选取的可行性和所建模型的正确性,以动平台到达目标点后的残余振动幅值最小为目标,对关节角速度、力矩和功率等驱动参数进行优化匹配,研究结果可为并联机器人末端振动抑制及精度正向设计提供理论依据. Delta parallel robots are key equipment in advanced manufacturing,but their linkage mechanisms exhibit prominent dynamic issues under high-beat operation,which greatly affects the stability and precision of the robot system.In this paper,a spatial 3-DOF Delta parallel robot is developed,and the finite element model of its linkage mechanism is established,which is introduced into the multi-body dynamics model to construct a virtual prototype with a rigid-flexible coupling structure.The trajectory based on the modified trapezoidal acceleration curve law is substituted into the model to solve,and the dynamic response and terminal residual vibration of the robot system are obtained.The simulation analysis shows that the vibration of the moving platform caused by the elastic factor of the linkage mechanism is most obvious along the horizontal running direction of the moving platform.Under the condition of the same running beat distance and time,the running direction of the moving platform will affect the position error caused by the elastic vibration of the connecting rod.The laser tracker is used to measure the residual vibration of the robot after running in different trajectories.The feasibility of selecting the running direction and the correctness of the model are verified by comparison,to minimize the residual vibration amplitude after the moving platform reaches the target point,the driving parameters such as joint angular velocity,torque,and power are optimized and matched.This paper s research work can provide a theoretical basis for vibration suppression and precision forward design of the parallel robot.
作者 肖正明 康振辉 伍星 刘韬 王建 XIAO Zhengming;KANG Zhenhui;WU Xing;LIU Tao;WANG Jian(Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650500,China;Yunnan Key Laboratory of Advanced Equipment Intelligent Manufacturing Technology,Kunming 650500,China)
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期127-136,共10页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51965025) 云南省基础研究计划面上项目(202201AT070103).
关键词 并联机器人 刚柔耦合动力学 轨迹规划 残余振动 驱动参数匹配 parallel robots rigid-flexible coupling dynamics trajectory planning residual vibration driving parameter matching
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