2C. G. Jung: " the psychology of the unconscious",Collected Works of C. G. Jung , Vol. 7. 2nd ed. ,Prineeton University Press, 1966.
3C. G. Jung: "The relations between the ego and the unconscious", Collected Works of C. G. Jung,.Vol. 7. 2nd ed. , Princeton University Press, 1966.p. 188.
4C. G. Jung: " The Type Problem in Psychopathology", Collected Works of C. G. Jung,Vol 6.2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1971. p. 280.
5C. G. Jung: "Symbole of Tansformation", Collected Works of C. G. Jung. Vol. 5. 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1971.
6C. G. Jung: "The psychological foundation of belief in spirits". Collected Worksof C. G. Jung, Vol. 8.2nd ed. , princeton University Press, 1972.
7C. G. Jung: "The Psychogenesis of Mentai Disease",Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 3. Princeton University Press, 1972.