

Source and intension of the"Tendon Constraining Bone"theory
摘要 “筋束骨”是中医骨伤科学的重要理论之一,源于《素问》“宗筋主束骨而利机关”。元明以来,基于解剖关系的认识与病机阐释的需要,经朱丹溪、张节等医家的发展,最终形成了“筋束骨”理论。“筋束骨”理论高度概括了筋骨之间、筋骨与脏腑经络之间的生理联系。筋骨结构相连,功能相系,具体体现在骨为干,筋为刚;骨正筋柔,气血以流;诸筋者,皆属于节;谿谷属骨等方面。筋骨经络相关,脏腑相应,具体体现在阳明主润宗筋;肝主筋,肾主骨;太阳主筋,少阳主骨等方面。“筋束骨”失常是诸多筋骨疾病的总病机,筋骨形态结构改变、失于充养、邪气留居等是“筋束骨”失常的基本病理机制。“筋束骨”失常的病理状态表现在形、态两方面,形的异常可表现为筋断骨折、筋离骨错等,态的异常可表现为筋急骨痛、筋弛骨软等。“筋束骨”理论影响了动静结合、筋骨并重、内外兼治等治疗原则的发展,指导了续筋接骨、理筋正骨、柔筋安骨、荣筋补骨等基本治法的应用,对于筋骨病的诊疗具有指导意义。 "Tendon Constraining Bone"is an essential theory in osteology and traumatology of traditional Chinese medicine,originating from the statement in Suwen(Plain Questions)that"convergent tendon controlling bones and joints".Since the Yuan and Ming dynasties,the theory of"Tendon Constraining Bone"was formed based on the understanding of anatomical relationships and the need for pathogenesis interpretation,developed by medical practitioners such as ZHU Danxi and ZHANG Jie.The"Tendon Constraining Bone"theory summarizes the physiological connections between tendons and bones and between tendons and zang-fu organs and meridians.Tendons and bones are structurally connected and functionally related,reflected in sturdy bones and tough tendons,upright bones and soft tendons with smoothly-flowing qi and blood,all tendons being related to joints,and thews being related to bones.Tendons and bones are related by meridians and zang-fu organs,specifically reflected in the Yangming channel governing the nourishment of tendons,liver governing tendons,kidneys governing bones,Taiyang channel governing tendons,and Shaoyang channel governing bones.The abnormality of"Tendon Constraining Bone"is the general pathogenesis of various tendon and bone diseases,and it can be caused by changes in the tendon and bone structure,nourishment deficiency,or the pathogenic qi retention.The pathological manifestations of abnormal"Tendon Constraining Bone"are manifested in form and state.Abnormalities in form can manifest as tendon rupture,bone fractures,tendon dislocation,and bone dislocation,whereas abnormalities in state can manifest as tendon urgency,bone pain,tendon laxity,and bone softness.The"Tendon Constraining Bone"theory has influenced the development of treatment principles such as combining motion and quiescence,paying equal attention to bone and flesh,and combining internal and external treatment.This theory has guided the application of basic treatment method such as connecting and rectifying tendons and bones,smoothing tendons and relieving bones,and nourishing tendons and strengthening bones.Therefore,the"Tendon Constraining Bone"theory can significantly guide tendon and bone disease diagnosis and treatment.
作者 魏光成 秦伟凯 赵勇 侯成志 班林强 卓泽川 顾金光 WEI Guangcheng;QIN Weikai;ZHAO Yong;HOU Chengzhi;BAN Linqiang;ZHUO Zechuan;GU Jinguang(Wangjing Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100102,China;Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China;Beijing Chaoyang District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100020,China)
出处 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期765-772,共8页 Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 北京市中医药管理局北京中医药薪火传承“新3+3”工程 中国中医科学院科技创新工程项目(No.CI2021A03604) 中国中医科学院望京医院自主选题专项(No.WJYY-ZZXT-2022-03)。
关键词 筋束骨 筋骨并重 动静结合 内外兼治 Tendon Constraining Bone paying equal attention to bone and flesh combination of motion and quiescence principle of combined internal and external treatment
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