

Analysis on the strategic conception of the Party's self-revolution in the new era
摘要 “把每条战线每个环节的自我革命抓具体抓深入”的提出,不仅极大地丰富了习近平总书记关于党的自我革命的重要思想的时代内涵,也为新征程上不断推进自我革命实践探索和理论创新提供了行动指南和根本遵循。深入推进新时代党的自我革命,把每条战线每个环节的自我革命抓具体抓深入,是始终坚持和加强党的全面领导的时代所使,是不断推进自我革命向纵深发展的时代所然,是以党的自我革命引领社会革命的时代所需。深入推进新时代党的自我革命,把每条战线每个环节的自我革命抓具体抓深入,需要从自我革命内在固有的长期性、全面性、整体性和系统性特性出发,遵循保持足够的耐心、形成全覆盖格局、强化全周期管理、运用体系化方式等原则要求;需要从坚持解放思想,不断增进党的自我革命的规律性认识;坚持实事求是,协同提高党的自我革命的实质性效能;坚持与时俱进,紧紧锚定党的自我革命的战略性目标;坚持守正创新,科学构思党的自我革命的高效性进路等方面加以策略构想。 The proposal of"grasping the self-revolution in each link of each frontconcretely and deeply"not only greatly enriched the era connotation of Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the Party's selfrevolution,but also provided action guidelines and fundamentalguidelines for constantly promoting thepractice exploration and theoretical innovation of selfrevolutionon the new journey.To push forward the Party'sself-revolution in the new era,to grasp the self-revolutionin every link on every front in detail and deeply,isthe era of always upholding and strengthening the overallleadership of the Party,is the era of constantlypushing forward the self-revolution to develop indepth,and is needed in the era of the Party's self-revolutionto lead the social revolution.To further promotethe Party's self-revolution in the new era,to make itconcrete and in-depth in every link on every front,weneed to:proceed from the inherent long-term,comprehensive,holistic and systematic characteristics of theself-revolution,and follow the principles ofmaintaining sufficient patience,forming a full-coverage pattern,strengthening full-Ccyclemanagement,and applying a systematic approach;emancipatethe mind and improve the regularity of theParty's self-revolution;insist on seeking truth fromfacts and coordinate to improve the substantive effectivenessof the Party's self-revolution;keep abreast ofthe time and firmly anchor the Party's strategic goal ofself-revolution;adhere to the right innovation,scientific conception of the Party's self-revolution andother aspects of the efficient approach to strategy.
作者 龚晨 Gong Chen
出处 《西藏发展论坛》 2024年第3期14-21,共8页
基金 2022年国家社科基金一般项目《多元主体协同全面推进乡村振兴的机制与路径研究》(22BKS147)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 中国共产党 自我革命 把每条战线每个环节的自我革命抓具体抓深入 Communist Party of China Self-revolution Self-revolution of each front and each link be made concrete and in-depth








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