

Multiple Inflammatory Myofibroblastoma of Epididymis:A Case Report
摘要 附睾炎性肌纤维母细胞瘤(inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor,IMT)国内外仅报道数例,并且都是单发的肿瘤。报告1例附睾多发性IMT病例,患者自行发现右侧阴囊内肿物1年,肿物进行性增大。超声检查提示右侧阴囊内多发实性结节,行右侧阴囊探查术+肿物切除术,术中发现右侧附睾多发类圆形质韧肿物,术后肿物病理证实为IMT,术后随访6个月,未见肿物复发。通过回顾相关文献,认为附睾IMT与发生在附睾的其他肿物临床症状类似,术前一般难以诊断,该肿瘤会进行性增大,有低度恶性潜能,故建议手术切除肿物,术后患者无需特殊治疗,一般不会复发,但需定期复查。 Only a few cases of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor(IMT)occurring in epididymis were reported,and all of them were single tumors.We reported a case of multiple IMT of epididymis.The patient found a mass in the right scrotum for a year,and the mass increased progressively.Ultrasonography showed multiple solid nodules in the right scrotum.Right scrotal exploration and resection of mass were performed.Multiple round pleniform masses were found in the right epididymis during the operation.The pathology of the masses was IMT.No recurrence of the masses was found after 6 months of postoperative follow-up.By reviewing the literature,we supposed that IMT of the epididymis had similar clinical symptoms to other masses occurring in the epididymis.It was generally difficult to clarify the IMT before surgery.The tumor would grow progressively and had low malignant potential,so it was recommended to remove the tumor surgically.The patients did not need other special treatment after surgery,because the IMT would not recur generally.However,the regular review was required.
作者 陈小均 刘豫月 孔涛 王成李 刘昭文 张志杰 CHEN Xiao-jun;LIU Yu-yue;KONG Tao;WANG Cheng-li;LIU Zhao-wen;ZHANG Zhi-jie(Department of Urology and Andrology,Dongfang Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100078,China;Department of Pathology,Dongfang Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100078,China)
出处 《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》 CAS 2024年第4期313-316,共4页 Journal of International Reproductive Health/Family Planning
基金 第七批全国老中医药专家传承项目(040103005002010) 北京市科技计划项目(D161100005116003)。
关键词 肿瘤 肌组织 附睾 生殖器肿瘤 男(雄)性 超声检查 病例报告 Neoplasms,muscle tissue Epididymis Genital neoplasms,male Ultrasonography Case reports
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