

Deng Zhongxia's Practical Interpretation of the Slogan"Labor is Sacred"before and after the Founding of the Party(1919—1922)
摘要 邓中夏以唯物史观对“劳工神圣”口号的阐释,肇始于他领导的早期工人运动。这种实践阐释,首开知识分子走与劳工相结合的先河,走出书斋与劳工相结合,提倡“劳工神圣”以促进劳工阶级的觉醒;创办面向劳工的刊物,深刻阐明“劳工神圣”以启发劳工阶级意识;创立以产业组合为原则的革命工会,用斗争实践阐释“劳工神圣”;是马克思主义工运理论中国化的具体体现,既是领导工人罢工斗争经验的总结,又是在实践基础上将唯物史观与中国劳工运动相结合的理论创新成果,为党的早期工人运动的发展作出了卓越贡献。 Deng Zhongxia's interpretation of the slogan"Labour's Sacredness"from a materialist-historical point of view began with the early workers'movement under his leadership.This practical interpretation was the first of its kind in which intellectuals combined with the labourers.They went out of their study halls and combined with the labourers to advocate the"God of Labour"in order to promote the awakening of the working class;they founded publications for the labourers to profoundly clarify the"God of Labour"in order to inspire the con⁃sciousness of the working class;they founded revolutionary trade unions based on the principle of industrial combination and used the practice of struggle to interpret the slogan of"The God of Labour".He founded a rev⁃olutionary trade union based on the principle of industrial combination,and used the practice of struggle to ex⁃plain the"sanctity of labour".It is a concrete embodiment of the Chineseisation of Marxist labour theory,not on⁃ly a summary of the experience of leading workers'strikes,but also a theoretical innovation combining the ma⁃terialist conception of history with the Chinese labour movement on the basis of practice,and made an outstand⁃ing contribution to the development of the Party's early workers'movement.
作者 杨军 YANG Jun(School of Marxism,Hunan University of Science and Technology Yongzhou,Hunan,425199,China)
出处 《福建江夏学院学报》 2024年第3期85-93,118,共10页 Journal of Fujian Jiangxia University
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“邓中夏革命思想研究”(22BKS060)。
关键词 邓中夏 中国共产党 工人运动 唯物史观 劳工神圣 Deng Zhongxia Communist Party of China labor movement materialist conception of history labor is sacred








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