“体感愉悦的设计能唤起人类最深层次的共情。”“Designs that are somatically pleasing create the deepest sense of empathy that humans can feel in common.”在人们的印象中,实力雄厚的品牌商与设计公司似乎更容易获得国际设计大奖的青睐。而在2024年iF设计奖的评选中,却有一家只有一人的日本设计工作室凭借为医疗设备品牌&MEDICAL设计的KURA SEAT HB马鞍椅一举夺得iF最高殊荣——iF金奖,且另有两件为&MEDICAL创作的作品同时获得iF设计奖!这家取得耀眼成绩的工作室就是MAKOTO HASHIKURA DESIGN,其正式员工只有创始人本人——桥仓诚。
In the eyes of the public,it seems that well-established brands and design companies have a better chance of winning international design awards.However,in the iF Design Award 2024,a Japanese design studio with only one person managed to win the highest honor-the iF Gold Award-with the KURA SEAT HB designed for the medical equipment brand&MEDICAL.In addition,its two other works created for&MEDICAL also received the iF Design Awards.This remarkable studio is MAKOTO HASHIKURA DESIGN,with its sole employee being the founder himself-Makoto Hashikura.
Package & Design