目的 针对餐饮企业对提升堂食餐具运行效率,提高服务质量的诉求,探索堂食餐具的设计策略。方法 通过市场调研和文献研究,发现关于堂食餐具现有研究大多将其视为孤立产品,未将餐具视为餐饮服务系统中的要素进行系统设计。结果 以服务设计视角审视餐饮服务系统,重新定义堂食餐具,构建了堂食餐具设计策略,并以麦当劳餐具设计作为案例进行了验证。结论 运用服务设计的思维和方法设计堂食餐具,有利于降低员工工作强度,提升用户体验,促进餐饮服务高质量发展。
Objective To explore the design strategy of dine-in tableware in response to the demand of catering enterprises to improve the operational efficiency and service quality of dinein tableware. Method Through market research and literature study, it is found that most of the existing studies on dine-in tableware regard it as an isolated product, and do not consider tableware as an element of the food service system for systematic design. Results The service design perspective is used to examine the food service system, redefine the dine-in tableware,and construct a design strategy for dine-in tableware. The design strategy is verified using McDonald's tableware design as a case study. Conclusion Using service design thinking and methods to design dine-in tableware is conducive to reducing the work intensity of employees, improving the user experience, and enabling the high- quality development of food service.
Package & Design
product design
service design
tablewaredesign strategy