

Innovations and Global Applications of Primary Healthcare from a Population Medicine Perspective
摘要 探讨在全球卫生领域中,初级卫生保健在提升国民健康水平方面的关键作用,特别是在应对人口老龄化、慢性病发病率上升及医疗资源分配不均等挑战时的创新与强化的必要性。通过研读《中国农村之医学——我的记述》一书,回顾了陈志潜先生创建的三级卫生保健模式及其对现代公共卫生服务的启示,强调了其在农村卫生改革中的历史贡献和对世界卫生组织初级卫生保健概念的影响。讨论了医防协同的重要性以及群医学理念在医学教育和卫生政策改革中的应用,指出这些理念和模式的实施对提升医疗服务质量和效率、推动医疗卫生服务体系公平高效发展的重要性。强调了继续深化初级卫生保健体系改革的必要性,并展望了群医学理念在未来医疗卫生领域的应用前景。介绍了中国医学科学院北京协和医学院的卫生观转型和群医学理念的实践,这些实践为医防协同提供了新的视角和动力,有助于培养具备医防协同能力的复合型医学人才,并在全球健康治理中贡献中国方案。 To explore the pivotal role of primary healthcare in elevating national health standards within the global health area,particularly highlighting the necessity for innovation and strengthening in response to emerging challenges such as population aging,the rise in prevalence of chronic diseases,and health inequity.By researching the book Medicine in Rural China:A Personal Account,it reviewed Dr.C.C.Chen’s three-tier primary healthcare model and its insights for contemporary public health services,underscoring his historical contributions to rural healthcare system reforming.It further explored the essential synergy between clinical and preventive medicine,emphasized the importance of population medicine in medical education and health policy reform.It article underscores the imperative to continue advancing the reform of the primary healthcare system while also providing a glimpse into the prospective application of the population medicine paradigm in the future landscape of healthcare.The evolution of the hygiene concept and the application of population medicine at Peking Union Medical College provided new insights and drive for the integration of clinical and preventive medicine.The integration is essential for developing medical professionals capable of applying both clinical and preventive approaches,contributing to China’s role in global health governance.
作者 朱奕潼 丁晗玥 乔友林 Zhu Yitong;Ding Hanyue;Qiao Youlin(School of Population Medicine and Public Health,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College,Bei-jing,100730,China)
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2024年第6期17-19,22,共4页 Chinese Primary Health Care
基金 2024年中央高校管理改革等绩效拨款——群公学院。
关键词 陈志潜 群医学 初级卫生保健体系 C.C Chen population medicine primary health care system
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