

On Shih-hsiang Chen's Misinterpretation of Ritual and Music Culture through His Theory on Chinese Lyrical Tradition
摘要 为众多学者所声讨的抒情传统说对本土文化传统的忽视,可追溯至陈世骧的《中国文学的抒情传统》一书。书中,陈世骧力图借助西方浪漫主义理论,从中国文学史中抽绎出一条旨在抒情的历史脉络,以颠覆既有的儒家礼乐政教,建立可作为文学批评标准的本土文学理论。为重新书写以抒情为底色的文学传统,他不得不对含融博大的礼乐文化加以误读。但礼教、乐教与抒情言志间并非非黑即白的关系,而是彼此交缠的两条脉络。陈氏引为抒情传统基石的《诗经》等文学著述,皆是在其力图颠覆的儒家政教文化影响下创作的。陈世骧在书中未对抒情传统与礼乐教化的关系进行详细辨析,这就注定了他通过构建抒情脉络颠覆礼乐教化传统的尝试很难实现。抒情传统说若要摆脱脱离传统、趋于僵化的风险,对礼乐的再定义势在必行。 The theory on Chinese lyrical tradition,denounced by many scholars,and that ignores the cultural tradition of the native land,can be traced back to Shih-hsiang Chen's book,The Lyrical Tradition of Chinese Literature,in which Chen attempts to extract a historical vein aimed at being lyrical from the history of Chinese literature by relying on the theory of Western romanticism in order to subvert the existing Confucian ritual governance and establish a theory of native land as a critical standard to judge literature.In order to rewrite the literary tradition with lyricism as its bottom colour,he had to engage in a misreading of the vastly embracive Ritual and Music culture.However,the relationship between ritual teaching,musical teaching,lyricism and expressions of ambitions is not a mere one that is black if not white or white if not black,but one that is interwoven with two veins.Literary works,such as The Classic of Poetry,that Chen quoted as the foundation of lyrical tradition,were created under the Confucian ideas of state and church that he was trying his hardest to subvert.In his book,Chen has not conducted a careful analysis of the relationship between lyrical tradition and teaching through ritual and music.This determines that it will be hard to realize his attempt to subvert the tradition of teaching via ritual and music through establishing a vein of lyricism.If his theory on lyrical tradition must rid itself of the risk of being detached from tradition and going rigid,a redefining of the ritual and music is absolutely necessary.
作者 李欣悦 Li Xinyue
出处 《华文文学》 2024年第3期68-75,共8页 Literatures in Chinese
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“审美意象的历史发展及其理论建构研究”,项目编号:21&ZD067。
关键词 抒情传统 陈世骧 礼乐 政教 儒家 Lyrical tradtion Shih-hsiang Chen ritual and music state and church Confucianism
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