

The configuration path of digital economy driving rural revitalization under fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method
摘要 以构造数字经济综合评价指标的4个分指标及2个中介变量为条件变量,采用模糊集定性比较分析方法对组态路径进行探究。根据熵值法测度,2016—2022年数字经济发展水平综合得分呈上升趋势,其中全国数字经济发展水平综合得分从2016年的0.091上升至2022年的0.257。2016—2022年乡村振兴发展水平综合得分呈上升趋势,其中,全国乡村振兴发展水平的综合得分从2016年的0.228上升至2022年的0.394。在条件变量必要性验证中,一致性结果均低于0.900,表明所有条件变量都不是结果变量的必要条件。在充分性验证中,组态路径R1的原始覆盖度为0.513,组态路径R2的原始覆盖度为0.327,总体解覆盖度为0.566,表明这2个条件组态均能够对乡村振兴水平上升的原因进行解释。在组态路径R1中,发展环境、人力资本均为核心条件,数字产业化、数字金融和技术创新水平为边缘条件,发挥辅助作用,而产业数字化几乎不起作用;在组态路径R2中,发展环境、数字产业化、数字金融和技术创新水平属于核心条件,产业数字化程度相对较低,人力资本几乎不起作用,表明乡村振兴条件组态具有高数字经济、低产业数字化的特征。当一致性的阈值增加后,乡村振兴水平的条件组态结果保持不变,表明模型具有较高的稳定性。 Using four sub indicators and two intermediate variables as conditional variables to construct a comprehensive evaluation in-dex for the digital economy,the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method was used to explore the configuration path.Accord-ing to the entropy method,the comprehensive score of the development level of the digital economy showed an upward trend from 2016 to 2022,with the national comprehensive score of the development level of the digital economy increasing from 0.091 in 2016 to 0.257 in 2022.The comprehensive score of rural revitalization development level showed an upward trend from 2016 to 2022,with the nation-al comprehensive score of rural revitalization development level increasing from 0.228 in 2016 to 0.394 in 2022.In the necessity valida-tion of conditional variables,the consistency results were all below 0.900,indicating that all conditional variables were not necessary conditions for the outcome variables.In the adequacy verification,the original coverage of configuration path R1 was 0.513,the origi-nal coverage of configuration path R2 was 0.327,and the overall coverage was 0.566,indicating that both conditional configurations could explain the reasons for the increase in rural revitalization level.In configuration path R1,development environment and human capital were the core conditions,while digital industrialization,digital finance,and technological innovation level were the marginal conditions,playing an auxiliary role,while industrial digitization had almost no effect;in the configuration path R2,the development environment,digital industrialization,digital finance,and technological innovation level were core conditions.The degree of industri-al digitization was relatively low,and human capital was almost ineffective,indicating that the configuration of rural revitalization con-ditions had the characteristics of high digital economy and low industrial digitization.When the threshold for consistency increases,the condition configuration results of rural revitalization level remained unchanged,indicating that the model had high stability.
作者 姚倩 YAO Qian(School of Marxism,Xi’an Open University,Xi’an 710042,China)
出处 《湖北农业科学》 2024年第7期244-249,共6页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目(23VJC710135)。
关键词 模糊集定性比较分析 数字经济 乡村振兴 组态路径 fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis digital economy rural revitalization configuration path








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